Monday, April 09, 2007

Deja Vu

Holland is back in the hospital. More of the same. I'll update you all later...


Anonymous said...

Ohh I'm sorry to hear that! That really stinks! I hope she is better soon.


hallegracesmama said...

oh no! I will keep her in my prayers. Get well soon, sweet Holland!

Unknown said...

Oh no :( i am so sorry to hear it. billie, sorry i didn't get a chance to see you this weekend - friday i was asleep when you called - sick myself. saturday i was miserable and slept all day before getting on the plane. i felt like garbage and also didn't want to risk infecting the girls. hollie is in my thoughts. i am willng us both better ;) love you.

Mel said...

I'm so sorry! I hope she gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

Sending get well wishes Hollands way....

Kristin said...

We have you all in our thoughts. Get better soon Sweet Holland!

abby said...

I was really upset to hear this....Get better soon, Holland!

Sarah Furlough said...

We are thinking of you Holland, get better soon!

Sarah said...

*hugs* We'll be thinking of you guys! Hope she gets on the mend quickly.

Jill said...

Lots of prayers for you all today.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that. Praying that she feels better soon,
Kelly in Canada

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Holland's in the hospital again! I'll be praying she gets better soon and that no more hospital visits are in the near future (or the far future)Get better Holland!

Sarah and Adam said...
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Sarah and Adam said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Holland is back in the hospital. She will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Lots of thoughts and prayers your way. Big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Get better soon Holland!! xxxx

Anonymous said...

Prayers are always being sent twords you and your entire family but I will make shue to pray extra hard for Holland! Remeber that you need to take care of yourself too and no one will blame you if you take a little break to sleep or just go walk around the hospital. You need to take care of yourself before you can help take care of others.

With love Kathryn from NC

Jamie and Jill said...

Keeping little Miss Holland in our prayers for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Sending get wishes to Holland. I hope for a speedy recovery. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!

Kristin said...

Sorry to hear Holland continues to be sick, keeping her in our prayers!!!!!

Kim said...

Keeping Holland in my prayers and hoping she can finally kick this illness.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping Holland has started to feel a bit better and that you are too -- all of this sleep deprivation and worry can't be easy. --Kate in NYC

Lisa said...

Poor Holland. I hope she gets better fast!

Shana said...

Been a lurker for sometime now. Just want to step up and let you know that Holland and your family are in my prayer. {{{HUGS}}}

Anonymous said...

I hope Holland is doing ok.