On the first few nights without Holland, Eden didn't sleep a wink and fussed through most of the night. We got quite nervous that this was a preview of how our nights would be with TWO babies at home. Thankfully, it didn't turn out that way. It turned out that Eden just missed her sister. We brought Holly home on Wednesday night and Eden finally went to sleep. In fact, so far both babies have been sleeping wonderfully through the night, cuddled up together in their bassinet. They wake up like clockwork every four hours to eat. We can definitely handle that! We are insanely happy to have our family home, healthy, and together. Both girls are on oxygen and apnea monitors, so we have a lot to cart about when we have to leave the house for doctors appointments. At the last pediatrician appointment on Friday Eden weighed 5 pounds 9.5 ounces, and Holland 4 pounds 13.5 ounces.

We are overjoyed to be home, yet we do miss our surrogate family at the NICU. The doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists at St. Joe's saved our babies lives many times over, and we will always have a special place in our hearts for them. It was an emotional farewell on Wednesday. Doctors Ivacko and Everett were both there to say goodbye, the same doctors who were there with us the night that Holland and Eden were born. There is no way to express the gratitude that we feel for all that the NICU staff has done for our babies and for us. They loved our babies and treated us as more than just a job...thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We will be back to visit and will see you all at the reunion next summer!