It's true! It's true! They finally let us out! Everyone is feeling pretty great, and is so happy to be home, Eden most of all. She ate like a total pig all evening...like she couldn't get enough food. She had dinner twice. Spaghetti with meat sauce the first time, with four orange slices for desert, then fajita chicken with sour cream and guacamole a little over an hour later, and a WHOLE bag of
Gripz chocolate chip cookies for desert (these are Eden's favorite snack EVER and the only thing she would eat while she was sick. Holland's staple is chips, Eden's is cookies). She couldn't shovel the food in fast enough. If she keeps this up for a week or so, she should gain back the weight in no time. She also drank 12 ounces of her 27cal formula today, which she had been refusing all week. That's almost back to normal.
It was SO FUN to see how happy she was to be home. She was squealing and smiling all evening. She fell asleep having a breathing treatment, and BOTH of my girls are now sleeping soundly in their OWN beds. So now I've gotta go. I'm going to go sleep in my OWN bed, with my hubby, for the first time in WEEKS!!!
WELCOME HOME!!!! Glad to hear that everyone is feeling better and lots of prayers being said to keep it that way.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
OMG YAY! I have bee npraying for you the EINTIRE time every night since Holland was in the hospital! It worked! I am so glad you are all home at last!!!
Billie, I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE ALL HOME! It is a great feeling I know.
Eden sounds like she is making a fast recovery. What a blessing, she is eating. I always love the pics on the day you leave the hospital it is like your moving out. It always seems everytime you make a trip home to shower or something you end up loading the car with one of their favorites or the bumbo, boppy, books, etc...
Oh, how nice it is to sleep in your own bed with your hubby of course. Well, you let me know when things are in the clear for Marley and I to come over for a playdate.
Love ya, Heather
WOO-HOO!!! Free, Free, Free at Last! We're all thrilled that you guys are home, that Eden is eating like a champ, and that everyone is feeling better.
Welcome home!
YAY!!!!!! What fabulous news!!!! Welcome home!!!!!!! (((HUGS))!!!
Congratulations!!!! You all deserve some rest (and medals of honor)!
Hooray, what good news! I'm so glad that the girls are on the mend and in good spirits. There really is no place like home!
HALLELUJAH!! So glad you are all home and feeling better. I am keeping my fingers crossed Eden eats like a piggy all week!
WOO-HOO - best post I've read in ages.
Kelly in Canada
Congratulations Billie, a woman of great character if there ever was one!
“Character is not made in a crisis - it is only exhibited.”
-- Robert Freeman
Welcome home!! I read your blog every day and both girls have been in my prayers! I am a mom of preemie twins, too, and I know that your love for your girls is the driving force behind every thing you do! You're amazing!
Yeah!! What great news! Welcome home. And how wonderful that Eden has a big appetite!! Wishing the girls a speedy recovery at home.
This is GREAT news and I am so happy for you all. Your girls are so joyful and full of life - I bet they'll gain the weight back lickety-split! Hoo-Ya!
Thank goodness! Welcome home! I hope the icks stay away for a long, long time!
Where do you get those cookies Eden likes? I've never seen them before and I'd like to see if my daughter would eat them.
You are going to be shocked at how fast Eden gains her weight back. When my daughter lost two pounds last fall, she gained it all back in a week or two. And she is a non-eater, too. http://monkeyhead1024.blogspot.com/2006/10/story-of-sick-monkey.html
What great news! You must be so relieved to be out of there and back home.
Hope Eden keeps up with the eating so she can gain some pounds back. It is so frustrating when they won't eat. I have a little skinny one too who hates to eat.
Hallelujah! Love those big beaming smiles - and I bet yours is even bigger. Way to go Eden and Holly! Keep up the big smiles and big appetites - hooray!
- tripleblessings
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at last im so happy for u
YEAH!!! Hope you all stay well for a good LONG time!
Isn't it amazing how normal everyday things become joyous when you've had such a rough couple of weeks. The girls look wonderful. God bless you. Connie W.
Yippee!!!! Been checking up on your blog almost every day. Love the photos.
Hello Billie, John, Eden & Holland,
I don't usually post comments...but, I just couldn't help myself with this one. I have been praying for your angels to get better, since your first blog about Holland having to go back into the hospital...I am so happy to see that they are feeling so much better!!! GODSPEED!
Carrie Moore
HOOORAY!!!!! I hope you all got some good sleep last night and that the eating frenzy continues. The joy on Eden's face in the first pictures is priceless.
That is wonderful news!
I'm so glad to hear your girls are feeling better and that everyone is home. Hopefully you can get some much needed rest.
Hurrah!!! I"m so glad you are finally home and everybody is well.
There's no place like home! There's no place like home!
Congrats. :)
Yay!! I'm so happy for you all :)!!
Hooray! I am so happy for you all and so relieved that both girls made it through this without having to be vented (I know you were worried about that for a while). Phew, a big sigh of relief!
what great news. weird, i checked last night and there was no post... i am happy you are all home and able to be in your own beds. now get back to feeding that girl!
love, lis
Yeah!!! Another battle fought and won. So good to see everyone is comfortable at home :)
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