Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
It's the Final Countdown!
Ten hours from now we'll be checking in at the VIP tent for a (hopefully) tasty breakfast.
Thanks to all of you for your generosity. You have helped us to reach and surpass our goal, and raise the most money we have so far in honor of our girls.
It's time to March for Babies!
Go Team Holland and Eden!
Thanks to all of you for your generosity. You have helped us to reach and surpass our goal, and raise the most money we have so far in honor of our girls.
It's time to March for Babies!
Go Team Holland and Eden!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Spring "Break"

They call it a "break"...but it's not, really.
Don't get me wrong, I looooove being home with my kids. I also loooove working part-time! I work 2-3 days a week, and get to be home 4-5 days a week, and I find that is the perfect balance for ME. I get to shower, get dressed up a little, and spend time out of the house interacting with ADULTS. Sometimes I feel like going to work IS my "break"!! I can even get an errand or two done on my lunch or on my way home.
I am definitely not cut out to be a stay-at-home mom, though I have the utmost respect for those parents who do. I also can't even fathom being a single parent, especially having a child with unique needs (like technology and heavy equipment!).
I was home with the girls ALL WEEK, pretty much on my own. Do you know what that means? It means I had to be present for TWENTY meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I had to do TEN of them completely on my own! I got ONE off because I had a Family Advisory Board meeting at the hospital. One.
Okay, okay, it wasn't that bad...at least they were healthy and actually ate (for the most part) what I fed them. But still, sometimes the boredom just overwhelms me! That's the hardest part for me. I get so BORED!
On Monday I took both girls to Holland's eye doctor appointment. They had to dilate her eyes, so the total time at the office was a little over an hour. Then I took them both to McDonald's for lunch. Then we went to the eyeglass store to order new frames with a new prescription. Then we ran to OfficeMax, Michael's and Target before picking John up for dinner at Chili's. Throughout the day the girls talked and asked questions constantly. I had to teach them the game, "let's see who can be quiet the longest." I ordered TWO ice cold margaritas at dinner because after a day like that I needed them! I felt like I deserved a medal, I truly did. It's exhausting!
Then we went home, bathed the girls and put them to bed. We came downstairs to a house that looked like it had been ransacked. Those girls can destroy a perfectly clean...um, I mean somewhat picked up...house in minutes flat. I spent the week trying to work on our Team Shirts, and quickly realized that if you aren't constantly cleaning up it's impossible to stay on top of it.
I went back to work today and right away someone asked how my "break" was. I automatically replied, "oh, it was great!" Then I started thinking about it, and it hit me that it really was great. Despite the boredom during feeding, the kids who make a mess in my house and won't stop talking...it was great.
It was great because I have them. They eat. They make a mess. They talk.
I have them, and I am oh so grateful.
Please support Team Holland and Eden as we March for Babies! Our walk is just FOUR days away, and we need your help to reach our goal. If everyone reading would donate just $1, we'd be ON OUR WAY:)

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Monday, April 06, 2009
Walking the Walk

This is the first year that I feel like they "get it" enough to talk about WHY we are walking. I tell them we are walking to help babies...so that other babies won't be born too early, too little, too sick, and have to stay in the hospital for a loooong time like they did.
I don't go into a lot of detail because it makes them sad. They always ask for reassurance that I was there too. I tell them "yes, Mommy came every day to visit you and hold you at the hospital." I tell them that the doctors and nurses helped me take good care of them so they could get better and come home. They know that they needed machines to help them breathe and tubes to help them eat. They know that Holland did NOT wear glasses in the hospital, and that Eden did NOT have her "hearing." They know that they DID get better, and they DID get to come home.
I don't tell them about the other babies who aren't so lucky.
We are walking to raise money for the March of Dimes. We want to help fund research exploring the causes of premature birth so that it can be prevented, as well as research into providing better care to babies who are born prematurely so that long term disabilities can be minimized.
Holland and Eden would not be here today if it were not for life-saving research funded by the March of Dimes. But clearly there is a lot more work to be done. I live with this fact everyday when I am giving breathing treatments, stretching muscles, lugging equipment, and trying to get my girls to eat so they will gain weight.
There is more work to be done.
I feel that as the parent of surviving micropreemies, I must do my part in educating people about the long term effects of prematurity and encouraging people to become part of the solution. It takes time, it takes money, and most of all it takes research.
Since 2006 Team Holland and Eden has raised over $10,600.00! This year I'd love to see us raise more than ever, and have set our team goal at $5,000.00. It's a lofty goal, but certainly possible, isn't it?
My own personal goal is $3,000.00. If you'd like to support me you can visit my personal page to make a donation. I know times are tough, but if you forgo that Starbucks frappucino, or fast food lunch for JUST TODAY, you could brew your own coffee, pack a bag lunch, and donate just $5 or $10 dollars for a good cause. Or as Eden would say, "to help other babies in the hospital."
If you are thinking about, or planning to walk with us on April 25th, I would HIGHLY encourage you to go to our Team page, and sign up as a new walker. I'd like to challenge everyone on the team to get out there and raise their own money this year! Each of you has your own circle of people...friends, family, co-workers, church members, bowling league...that you can ask to donate that I might not be able to get to personally. And if you raise at least $125 you can get your own March for Babies t-shirt:-) Thank you Kim, Liz, and Patti for already signing up!
If you are planning to walk with us, and want one of our red "team shirts" give me a call or an email to let me know your size. These shirts are $5 each to cover costs and will be ready the week before the walk. I will bring any not picked up on the day of:-)
As Holland would say..."I can't wait." Or in Eden's words again, "It's going to be weally fun!"
Thursday, April 02, 2009
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