Never say never.
Any good mom will do whatever it takes to make life easier and more comfortable for her kids, even if it means driving a minivan!
You know...several years ago I leased my favorite car, a VW Beetle. I did it, knowing that I wanted to have a baby before the lease ended, and thinking it would be perfectly suitable for transporting an infant carseat for a few months. We all know what happened next.
Next, we made the move to the Ford Freestyle, and I thought it was a good compromise. Nice and roomy, seats 7 passengers when necessary, and lots of space in the back for equipment. It has almost as much space, but it's NOT a minivan. It worked for us at the time, and I actually learned to love that car. I was clinging to the last shreds of my coolness. But...it just isn't convenient for transporting the power wheelchair.
I finally accepted the fact that to really get good use out of Eden's power chair, and to make life so much more convenient for all of us, it was time to take the leap and go for the gusto.
So now, I am a minivan mama and I am trying hard to embrace it.
After all...isn't it what's on the INSIDE that counts???

Billie, I smiled when I read this remembering a conversation we had while we were pregnant sitting at Starbucks. That is exactly what you said. But, I think in so many ways you are so different now than you are then. The minivan fits you, mama. Because afterall, it is a symbolic gesture that you will do anything for your girls. Perhaps you need to swing thru Starbucks, give it a spin.
Great post! And I love the set up on the van with the ramp, looks like it will make life easier for you! Can Eden stay in the wheelchair in the car or does she have to move into a carseat?
Eden can stay in the wheelchair, but we'll probably transfer her to the carseat for longer trips, which, by the way, really pisses her off:) She loves to ride in the wheelchair.
It is so what is inside that counts (if only I could make my husband get that clue), you will learn to love your minivan, it seems that everyone does in the end! Enjoy it!
Which conversion did you get? We're currently looking at rear-entry conversions. We really like the Viewpoint, but with the costs so high, we're wondering if the ATS Vision would be a better choice.
I am resolutely opposed to getting a full-sized van(even though we have 4 kids and probably would fit in one better) because that is light-years beyond minivan uncool! (And won't fit in the garage and isn't as safe and I could go on and on.)
It a Dodge Grand Caravan Kneelvan conversion, done by Freedom Motors. You can google for more information, and if you'd like a contact I can email you his name and number:)
Edie you look to awesomely cool in the new wheels, and I'm sure mommy does too! Holly, need to see you strike a pose in the new van!!
Glad to hear that you joined the crowd! :)
Our minivan is WONDERFUL!!! I can't imagine how I'd be getting the girls in and out of any other vehicle while this pregnant!
Enjoy the confort.. If you really want look fancy and uncomfortable, wear stiletto heels to the playground. : )
From one Minivan Mama to another... I still think you're cool!
PS: I swore I'd never drive a minivan, but now I LOVE it!
Edens face says it all. Her smile is priceless. I bet she loves the independence.
I've already folded mentally although I'm still driving a sedan. My friends who don't have kids don't get it, but I think it's just part of the mom thing.
You have such awesome, cute kids!
We just recently became a minivan family. I haven't embraced my van yet. Yes, its whats inside that counts but I never thought of myself as a "minivan driving soccer watching mom" yet...here I am. We had to get it because my daughter will soon be in a wheelchair because we won't be able to carry her to the car. (shes two) Love the pictures!
I think it is absolutely wonderful that you got the Minivan. I too am struggling about getting one. But I drive a Jeep Liberty and Have 4 kids to squeeze in it. My lease is up in February and Minivan Mama for me too.
Congrats! It looks nice no matter what!
Yeah Baby!! I LOVE my minivan!! And girlfriend, you are so just as cool, no wait WAY COOLER, than when you were driving the bug. That van is SWEET. Much love, Jess
can i suggest that you try pilates with your girls? my daughter delilah and eden have similar disabilities, and it has strengthened D's legs and core incredibly. :)
I completely understand the part of not wanting a van. I was dragged(kicking and screaming), into a dealership when my beloved Intrepid finally coughed out it's last backfire, and I didn't want a van, no way,no how! Now, 6 months later, I can tell you it was the best descion I ever made(ok, was forced to accept,lol). Give it some time, and you will love it too.
Elizabeth's Orthopedic surgeon suggested last week we pursue an electric wheelchair for her and all I could think of was me driving a mini van no way. Everyone I know who drives a van loves them and will never go back. It is pretty cool that she can drive and you don't need to do extra lifting.
LOL! Love the post. The first time I drove our minivan I just kept thinking "this just feels wrong"...now I can't imagine being without it. Holland and Eden both look like they love it!
Minivans totally rule! I want one, but the hubby insists on SUVs, whatever.
Do you remember when we had a 6 seater Ford Taurus? One of the kids had to be squished up front between us. Finally got into a minivan loved it. Bought another minivan and six months later realized it was too small. Took the plunge into the conversion van. That too was awesome. No more hearing, "Hey say on your side of the seat". Finally back into a car. Loved the vans so much the car feels so rinky dink. Still have a hard time parking between the lines. Go figure.. Did you get a dvd player installed? That was one of the best features in the vans!!! Lisa V. T.
You are so right. No matter what it is, it definitely is all about what is in the inside!!!!Love You L.V.T.
Welcome to the club. We too resisted - and do i have prius envy or what! - but are now driving what felt like the world's biggest car - and loving'it. All that space! We took 3 kids, one Koala, one modified bike, one toddler bike, one kid's bike, one pram, one cappuccino machine and bean grinder, and a heap of clothes and toys for a long weekend. It all fitted just fine!
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