I'm happy to say that we are all feeling better. We went to the park today for Holland and Eden's cousin Malachi's 1st birthday party. The girls had such a blast. They LOVED playing on the jungle gym. Holland especially liked climbing and sliding. Eden especially liked the swings and monkey bars. She can hang from the bars all by herself for several seconds. We were so suprised at how strong she is, and how much she loved it!
Holland also really loved helping Malachi open his presents. She kept trying to get in his Daddy's lap to take over. At one point she went to take a present out of my brother's hands and said "thank you." She made us all laugh. She really thought all of those presents should be hers!
Happy Birthday Malachi! We love you!
I love the smiles :-) The one of Holland being coy with the cracker is especially cute. :-) I can relate to the backlog.
Well, it is obvious what you will HAVE to do.
Do a post every day this week with LOTS of photos.
We demand more photos!!!
Well I finally got around to checking the site, and I was mentioned in the post!
I absolutly LOVED having Holland "help" us open all of the presents. She may not realize it but if she would have kept up the please and "chankoo"s she could have had more toys than she knew what to do with! I'm sure Malachi liked having the help too:)
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