Monday, September 25, 2006

Holland: Walking?!

I think I can officially say that Holland is walking now, at 25 1/2 months old (that would be 22 months adjusted for those keeping track). She will still crawl if in a hurry, and she still falls A LOT, but she is able to walk all the way across the family room, and usually chooses to walk from one toy to the next. The next step is turning. She is working on it, and does suprisingly well sometimes. She is very proud of herself, and we are proud of her.

I don't know how to explain it so others will understand, but sometime they surprise me with their normal two-year-oldness (like trying to walk in Mommy's shoes). Maybe it's just because I have long since given up on reading developmental charts and comparing them to other kids their age. Well, at least I am trying to. But, wow, doesn't she look so big (normal 2-year-old that she is)?


Hechung said...

Go Holland! What awesome news :).

Anonymous said...

YEAH! WALKING! My son was 16 months when he started... it felt like he was behind in the walking world and now boy do we wish we had not wished quite so hard for it! Once they are wlaking there is no turning back... knowing your background with the girls though... this is wonderful news!

Tertia said...

What is it with the two year olds and the shoes!! My two are forever in my shoes.

Go Holland! Great news re your new skill


Anonymous said...

Yea for Holland. That is fabulous news!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Holland!! What a wonderful update!
Thanks for all the adorable pictures!

Kristin said...

I love the pictures of both girls, the smiles are contagious!

Three cheers for Holland being a big girl now!

Kristin & Presleigh

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for this news because I knew it was going to happen. I am so thrilled for you and I can just imagine the smile that lights your face. There are more joys ahead. Just wait and see. I continue to keep all of you in prayer. Connie W.

BendingPeak said...

I am so happy for Holland. How wonderful!

hallegracesmama said...

Way to go Holland!! That is awesome!

Kendra Lynn said...

How exciting! I'm so glad to hear that Holly is walking! And yes, she looks every bit the normal two-year-old! :)
She even has that proud, look-at-what-I'm-doing, look!
Love it. :)


Anonymous said...

Way to go Holland! What a cutie!

Unknown said...

Hurray!! Walking- what a milestone and the beginning of the end to the safety of whats on your countertop. :P Holland and Eden really are the cutest little girls ever! Way to go, Holland!

Anonymous said...

Watch she'll be stealing your heels!!
Way to go Holly!!
Love, Jules

Michelle said...

WOOHOO HOLLAND!!! How awesome! And so exciting. Watch out mom & dad there's no stopping her now!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog all the time. I have a 2 year old grand daughter. I have to say that I got the idea to get her the little people house from your little girls. I would say that your little girls may have some physical difficulties, but they seem right on target with language and imagination, etc. Don't worry! You have awesome children and you are an awesome momma.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog about 4 months ago and have been reading it ever since. I'm always so excited to see new updates and pictures - your daughters are very cute. Congratulations to Holland on her new milestone. I'm a Mommy of two from Canada.

Anonymous said...

Yipeee!!! I'm so excited about Holland walking! That pic of her wearing your shoes is SOOO ADORABLE! I was just reading your last post also, and those pic's of Eden playing peek-a-boo are soooo cute! Your girls are so gorgeous! I'm glad they're finally feeling better.

Take Care,

Sarah said...

Whoohoo! Go, Holland!

You're gonna learn real fast eactly how high she can reach. And it'll be much higher than you think.