So, Eden had her appointment at the Michigan Ear Institute on Wednesday. Everyone there ooohed and aaahed over how amazingly adorable she is...and of course I agree:) Unfortunately, we didn't get good news. After reviewing the results from previous testing, and attempting some new testing, the doctor says that it looks like her hearing loss is likely in the "severe to profound" range. The first audiologist told us "moderate to severe" so the new diagnosis is worse. To determine if it is "severe" or "profound" she needs another test done under sedation at Children's Hospital in Detroit. The earliest I could schedule this was April 6th. If the loss is severe, we will try hearing aids and see if she gets any benefit from them. If it is profound and she has NO hearing, she will not benefit from hearing aids, and would need a cochlear implant after she turns 1.

These pics were taken yesterday. We bought a new baby scale so we can weigh them between doctor appointments. Holland's new offical weight is 10 lbs 10 ounces, and Eden is 10 pounds 4 ounces.
I know the news about Eden's hearing was not what you were hoping for, but try to take one day at a time and always look at all the positive aspects of things. No matter what the end results there are options for treatment. Every time I log on and see new pictures I just fall deeper in love with those two precious babies, once I get to see them in person again I'm gonna be wrapped around their little fingers(who am I kidding I already am). I'm sure seeing them everday smiling up at you in person makes everything seem a little better. Stay positive! Love Liz
First of all, i agree with liz -- i am literally in love with these two. as for the news reagrding eden, i am sorry it was not what we were all hoping for. that being said, there are so many wonderful/amazing things about these girls, i truly feel there is nothing that can "keep them down", so to speak. keep your heads up. i love you oh-so-much!
did i mention how cute the pics are?
holland = john :)
I too agree with Liz and Lisa - madly in love!! They are just adorable! I can't wait to tell them in person how super cute they are. Like Liz and Lisa said, keep on the brighter side as much as you can. Much love, Jess
Wow! Are they ever adorable!!!! I just want you both to know that with all the new technology out there these days, the possibilities are endless for Eden...... They sure look happy and content - lucky little beings to have such wonderful parents that surround them with Love! See you all SOON:) Love Candy
Ditto!!!! Holland = John :) :)
Hi Guys!
They are the sweetest! I'm sure you were both disappointed about the results of Eden's tests, but Candy is right, with so many wonderful medical advancements all the time, I'm sure everything will fall into place. Both girls couldn't have two more loving and determined parents to see to it they receive the best medical care and then leave no stone unturned to research what is new. You are all surrounded by a wonderful network of friends and family who love each and every one of you and will help in any way we can..hang in there, keep the faith and find something good in each day with them. They HAVE to be the highight of your day, they make me smile just seeing the pictures! Smooches to everyone. Love, Mamma Jules
Dear Billie and John:
I'm sorry to hear about Eden's hearing appointment, but I know that it will all work out. You have so many people praying for those precious babies that I know God's hand is on them!
They are beautiful, and special, and precious...there aren't enough adjectives to convey my feelings for those two!
I love you and am praying.
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