We've been having a lazy weekend at home because both girls are now sick (especially Eden) with stuffy noses and coughs. We had to miss our nephews Malachi and Justin's birthday parties and we had to start up the breathing treatments yesterday. I'm really hoping that they are better enough tomorrow to make it to school and NOT to the doctor. Get better quick girlies!
I'm pretty sure it's not H1N1 because they don't have fevers, but I am exceptionally anxious (maybe even irrationally so) about catching it and have been really stressing myself out over it. The girls had their seasonal flu shots on Friday (before we knew they were sick), and I've asked a couple of docs whether we should pursue the H1N1 shot when it's available. They are definitely recommending it, so we will most likely get it around the end of October.
I would recomend against getting the H1N1 "vaccine" because it is still very new and untested doctors are going to force it upon people "for the greater" good when it can actually do more harm than necessary, they might be sick because of the flu shots.
just my opinion though, take it with a grain of sand.
they are probably sick BECAUSE of the flu shots. I was just stuffy and coughing immediately following my flu shot. don't stress too much. and i am getting the h1n1 shot.
Adorable!!! A beautiful family!
Love the glasses. Having worn glasses for as long as I can remember, they defintely are a fashion accessory. The eye patch is a great match for the outfit too! I see no reason why a patch can't also be stylish. :)
Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
i must say, eden does look pretty cute in those glasses!! as does holland :) kids are so lucky now a-days with their cute little frames that don't take up their entire faces.....
how cute! they look so alike with glasses! and about the H1N1 shot, it's very new and there are no long term test results. ask your pediatrician if she would get it for her kids.
praying they stay healthy!
you are all GORGEOUS with your four eyes! love it xx
LOVE the 4-eyed shots.
I am definitely getting the shot, as well as every single person who is frequently in Chloe's life.
They look so much alike with those glasses on! so beautiful and so grown-up-- a look to go with their beyond-their-years life experiences.
Nice pics! Love how the eye patch coordinates with the outfit. Very stylish! Hope your girls are feeling better soon.
That pink camo Ortopad was my favourite design. I love the coordinated shirt/patch look.
Eden and Holland look so much more similar in glasses, especially in the (adorable) first photo.
Looking great in the glasses!
It's interesting that your peds are highly recommending the H1N1 vaccine. Our ped is very opposed to it until he sees how people are reacting to it... I think I'll call and ask again tomorrow. I'm leaning towards maybe it's a good idea.
I hope the girls are feeling better soon!
The glasses look great. They are so much cuter these days than the huge things I had to wear as a kid. I do agree the girls look much more alike now!
Just wanted to let you know, that the girls could very well be sick b/c of the shot. The shot is actually injecting them with the flu virus, and it's a normal reaction to get sick from it. -- I wouldn't worry too much :)
Okay, I wasn't going to comment because I usually just lurk, but after the "anonymous" comment that the shot will make your children sick because flu virus is injected, I can't be silent.
The vaccine contains inactivated (killed dead)virus, not live virus. It cannot give anyone the flu. Ask your doctor and he/she will tell you this is so. I'm an RN and I worked in a NICU for 11 years. I got the flu shot every year (and still do) because I cared so much for my tiny patients and it was a way I could protect them. You and your doctor will decide what is right for Eden and Holland.
You guys are adorable!
I'm a new anon. There's a fascinating new study out in Canada about how people getting this new vaccine are actually MORE prone to getting the flu. Also, the vaccine contains squalenes in it. If I were you I wouldn't get near the thing.
Sorry I meant adjuvants. Its what I get for multitasking...
Aww..so cute with all the glasses! Hope the girls feel MUCH better soon!
p.s. Merry and Kelsey say hello.
Wow the girls look a lot alike with both of them in glasses. I started noticing lately in pictures that were starting to look more alike, but the glasses really make them look alike. They are very cute on her by the way :)
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