John and Eden are sick again, and we are riding the fence the past couple of days with whether or not we should make a trip to the doctor with Eden. It's hard to take more time off from work right now when both of us have so much to do, and when we do take time off the work just piles up even more.
It is wreaking havoc on my state of mind.
When things get like this I wish I could just buckle down and get my shit together. For some reason, I take the opposite approach and just feel like staying in bed, spending too much time lost in the computer, or watching mindless television for mind-warping hours after the girls are in bed. It is completely nonproductive and makes me feel like a lazy blob.
But anyway, that's why I haven't posted much lately.
Because I am a lazy blob.
But...spring is just around the corner...right?

**Actually, I love winter...in December. It's just that by March I am DONE.
Loooong time reader here. Argh, groan...I so feel ya on the being done with winter and feeling blobby and blah. I'm ready for summer, for numerous reasons. Hope the sicknesses are kept more or less at bay, and that John and Eden feel better soon. :)
i am so over winter too. i want to go outside without my coat and not worry about sickness for a day or two. hope eden gets better soon.
Hi Billie,
I've only just recently started reading your Blog. As a mum who has watched my 5 children endure NICU and SCBU, I look to you and your girls ALL THE TIME, I think you are amazing, I think your girls are just as amazing and truely you all are a inspiration to myself and my children. Even on the awfull days (or months), I know I can come to your Blog and nod my head with every word (and emotion) you write.
Wishing you all the best as you and the girls ride out the Winter.
Hear, Hear!! I have only recently started reading but I love your blog and as a southern person who missed Monday because of snow, I am offically tired of winter and snow! Hope things improve!
I second the nodding in agreement as I read comment! You so often put into words just exactly what moms like us are going through. Although I can't relate to the winter thing (I live in sunny Phoenix), I can relate to feeling like a blob when things start to get overwhelming. Hope you all get healthy soon.
Hi Billie, I had to comment because you describe my malaise so well! It's those wasted hours in front of baaaad tv that I hate the most, yet I can't seem to drag myself away at the long end of the day! Ugh, it's all so hard. And I don't even have the excuse of winter, being in 92 degrees Farenheit here in Australia at the moment. So thankyou for sharing and know you aren't alone! I hope everyone in your gorgeous family gets well soon and stays that way. Liz (deleted last one cos I forgot to sign my name :) )
We love the snowman!
I have been reading for ages, not sure if I have commented before. What you are feeling is overwhelmed, NOT lazy. If your daily life is very busy, any extra stress is overwhelming. Sick kids, time off work for sick kids, stuck indoors all adds up to extra stress. So cut yourself some slack. And summer will come!
Your snow-fairy made me laugh........
and I know how you feel.
Oh I feel your pain! Think spring, though...its almost over, thank God!
Scott has been so excited about the snow this winter...apparently it hardly snows in NJ and this is the first winter here that he has really enjoyed. I, on the other hand, could do without. I really could.
Its warming up this week! Be happy!
Love you.
LOL from one blob to the other! I do the exact same thing...I see everything that needs to get done, but its like its all there piled up and I can't think straight and I don't know where to start so I just sit there or want to crawl back in bed and pretend it doesn't exist.
I am WAY over this winter and being sick all the time too.....
I say we move some where nice and warm where no one gets sick, and someone does our housework and stuff. How about it?!?!
I am a lazy blob too!
blogging instead of vacuuming as we speak.
i need some color and sunshine to wake me up.
I hear you. I also like to escape into blogging or other activities when I feel overwhelmed. I don't think that's so bad! This has been the longest winter EVER. Officially. Between weather/economy. We are all going to feel so much better when spring arrives. I hope it was warmer by you today, it hit 70 degrees by us and we all felt very happy. Kendra, we're also in NJ.
I think most of us are done with winter by this time. It is a real downer in the spirits. Hopefully the couple of days we had some spring like weather was enough to lift your spirits. I was worried something was wrong with the girls when you hadn't posted. I am sure you feel overwhelmed, Billie. Know that thoughts are with you from friends afar.
I am SO lazy blobbing with you hun! Just having trouble pulling out of this winter and its crud. More margaritas!
So glad to see that there is a whole crew of us moms like this. I am currently zoning out to the computer after a long day and a glass of wine. Keep blogging and trying to keep the rest of us inspired. That's productive.
I hear you sister, we just had more snow here in VT and I am totally DONE. Isabelle said to me today, "I can't believe there is still snow, Mommy!" I was like, "Yeah, you and me both!!!"
But the light is longer/stronger, the birds are slowly starting to come back...and this makes me think winter really will end some day.
Hang in there!
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