They act like doggies ALL THE TIME. I can't seem to convince them that licking is gross. Yuck! Dog Germs!
Twin girls H & E were born prematurely at 24 weeks 3 days gestation in the summer of 2004. At birth H was 1 lb 3.5 oz, 11.5", E 1 lb 5.5 oz, 12". This is their story...
LOL my kids do that all the time! Glad to see they are feeling better!
Evan does that now that we have a dog as well. He does the panting thing and will not respond to his name only if we call him Doggie. He did it today at school it was so funny. It is fun to see the kids use their imaginations.
LOL How funny!
That's so funny. My son acts like a dog all the time too.
I'm glad my brother and me weren't the only little kids who gave "dog kisses." Kids come up with the craziest things. We were also mutant cats with some human DNA at one point.
Abigail barks on the fours all the time. I actually pet her and tell her she's a good doggie. She loves this. And just the other day she came up and licked the side of my face; she sees Clifford the Big Red Dog do this !
Glad your family is on the mend. THANK GOD!
-Shannon in austin
I have been follwoing your blog for a long time now, and i just have to say, i can not believe how much progress it seems like Eden has been making. Congrats, you guys are doing great, tell Eden to keep up the good work
Those are the best pictures ever!!
I need to show them to my girls because they like to give "US" doggy kisses instead of each other!
I'm glad my kids aren't the only ones that did that.
I am glad you are all ''out of the woods''. I have to comment that this is the only place wher I admitted wanting one more healthy baby, a third baby. Well, I am having twin girls...
Haha..My kids think they are puppies about 80% of the time. Relieved to know other children do, too.
Glad to see them feeling so much better!
I am LAUGHING! They are too cute. Glad they are over the evil illness.
Today, my Max has been walking around bent over, swinging his arm, pretending to be an elephant. We are psyched because it gets an arm moving!
Love it! Amy
I swear they get cuter each time I see them!
And, Eden's pictures sitting up bring tears to my eyes.
Well, at least their licking their sister and not someone else
Hi Girls
Well, there is nothing nicer in the world that a dog so, they are in good company.
Billie, Eden's sitting seems really solidified-she looks comfortable and steady, Is crawling a next step?
How much does she use her wheelchair- we haven't seen it in a while. It must be easier on your back! I remember how you always had to support her to get her on the right level for so many activities.
Great stuff!
Love, Grammacello
hilarious and adorable!
These pictures are too cute! And I'm just blown away by how well Eden is sitting.
Congrats on springing Holland from the hospital. I guess that, in a weird sort of way, surviving micropreemie parenting can be quite empowering. I'm so glad that you and John hatched the turn down the O2 plan and got her out of there earlier than expected.
You guys doing OK? Just busy?
um, i think it's time for a new post. please?
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