The girls were just so cute today. I couldn't decide which picture to post, so I thought I'd just post all of them. I love this age.

Holland learned the sign for water yesterday, and today said Tigger, block, and clap. She is almost to a point of trying to repeat whatever word we say. I'd say that it has been within the last month that she has really started this language explosion.

Before that, she just had the basics, like mama, dada, zippo, and kisses. Eden gets speech twice a week, and we do a LOT of talking in our house to help with Eden's language development, so I am sure that Holland has picked up on that. I honestly think that it has more to do with her than with anything special we are doing. Every child develops at their own pace, and the range of "normal" is huge. Some kids say their first word at 6 months while others don't talk at all until age three. Of course, even though I know all of this, I admit that I am very glad Holly is doing so well and I don't have to worry too much about her language development. At least there is one thing I don't have to worry about.

We went out to breakfast this morning, then to Target to pick up some new toys. John and I saw the commercial for the Aquadoodle Mat, and had to have it. For the girls of course. They are really into drawing lately. And eating crayons. So anyway, while we were there we also picked up some Mega Blocks. Eden is really interested in

stacking and sorting, but her motor skills aren't quite good enough for her to stack blocks. We thought the Mega Blocks would be good for her because they stack easily. They were a HUGE hit. Holland lost interest kind of quickly, but Eden worked on building with those blocks for a good half hour, with intense concentration. The Aquadoodle Mat was fun too, but they are still a little bit young. A couple more months and I am sure they will love it.
fun times at the wright-ericson homestead!! i want an aqua doodle ! oh yeah, what is an aqua doodle? :) why the sour face on miss e?
love you guys,
Well you and John can have fun with the mat till the girls are a little older. Eden does not seem happy about that popsicle (I've never seen a yellow one), maybe she'll like another color. It looks like they both enjoyed their time in the park. Luv Liz
Hi Billie! I do hope you are feeling better! The girls are too cute, and never seize to amaze me. I'm very happy to hear about Holland and Eden's mobility and fun with words. Especially Eden's hearing ability. That's great! Let the repetition begin! Much love, Donna
We are working on cleaning the basement and Mitchell put all the mega blocks together and said they were for Holland and Eden:) So your about to get a WHOLE lot more:)
I love the picture of them in the swings, they are beautiful girls!
Kristina Ryan
You are right...that is a fun age. I love to watch them start to learn and grow and talk.
Its lovely. :)
Mega Bloks were a big hit with my girls, too, at that age.
Glad all is going well.
Love the new pictures!
They are growing SO fast...I can't believe that birthday #2 is not far off!
Love, Mamma Jules
I always love your pictures of the girls. I am so excited about Eden's hearing. I just told my whole class the good news, they always keep up with a few of the blogs i read.... Let her know she has fans in Texas!!
The girls are so very cute!
Great pics!
I just wanted to let you know that none of my kids said more than a handful of words before age 2 and now I cannot get them to BE QUIET!!! They are all big talkers now; in fact my 8 year old just competed in a storytelling festival at her school and is moving on to the regionals now. I never would have guessed it at 18 mos when all she could say was mama and dada. So I think you are right not to worry about Holland. Your girls are beautiful and look so happy. You must be so proud!
Hey Billie, I read this all the time but am too technologically inept to have learned how to use it until someone showed me :) Well.....just wanted to say Jake never talked until he was three and then it all came out in complete sentences and only to people he wanted to talk with (not much change there even 15 years later). Hey think of my kids.....I for one should know that "Normal is just a setting on the dryer". You keep working toward their highest personal potential and they'll do fine. Someone told me years ago...."mourn the child you thought you were getting and love the one you got". It makes it a lot easier when you remember that doesn't it!?! Luv ya Billie.
your chaps r ugly
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