Last night we welcomed a new cousin to the family! My brother and his wife had their baby boy, Malachi, on Sunday at 9:19pm. He weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 inches long. He has chubby cheeks, really big hands and feet, and dark brown hair. He is a beautiful baby and looks just like his mama. I was apparently so absorbed with the idea of a new baby, that I had a total brain fart and forgot all of our appointments today. I still can't believe I did it. We were supposed to have PT at 11:15, and Eden's first visit from the speech pathologist (from the hearing impaired program) at 2. They both came to the house and we weren't here!!! Ahhh!!! I feel really bad about it. I guess this IS the first time I have forgotten an appointment, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself, but I still feel terrible. I didn't even think about it until around 4:30 at dinner.

Ok, now I've gotta fess up, missing our appointments wasn't the only awful thing I did today. I also left Holland on our bed while I went to get her clothes...without putting pillows around her...and she rolled right off the bed!!!! She cried for a few seconds and was totally fine. However, her father and I were both traumatized. Especially her father;) The events of the day may put me in the running for the WWM award.

Holly had her allergy testing last week (or was it the week before???). It totally wasn't as bad as I expected. The test itself didn't hurt her at all. The worst part was just keeping her lying down flat for 15 minutes. She laid on my chest and I held her down while Nana rubbed her back and head. Thank goodness my mom was with me cause it would have been much harder by myself. The verdict is that she is definitely, without a doubt, allergic to eggs. Also allergic to almonds and cashews. But not peanut butter...and not fish or shellfish... I was surprised about the peanut butter, but when I think back I remember that, while nursing, every time I ate peanut butter I also ate almonds (my favorite Cold Stone creation). I assumed it was the peanut butter because John is allergic. I'm actually very happy because the allergies she has are usually outgrown. Peanut butter and shellfish are much more likely to be life threatening and long term. The only bad thing is that she has to be on an egg free diet and everything has eggs in it.

Eden's surgery is scheduled a week from today. I get sick to my stomach every time I think about it. We have a pre-op appointment with the surgeon on Thursday morning to go over the procedure. I have to remember to ask if she will be ventilated for the surgery. Someone asked me if she would be and I realized that I don't know! Part of me hopes she won't be because I don't think I can handle seeing her sedated and on a ventilator. On the other hand, if they don't put her on the ventilator I have to worry that she might stop breathing while under anesthesia. This is going to be tough. I've been so excited about getting the implant for months. Now that it is finally here I am starting to panic. I feel good about our decision, but no matter what, it's very tough seeing your baby go through surgery. Especially when they have been through so much already. I hope I can keep it together.
Wow! Wonderful news on the new babe, your mom and dad must be beaming..again!! Billie, forgetting one day's appointments is nothing, and no parent is officially a parent until a little one has rolled off the bed! Why do you think Lisa is afraid of heights? heheh! (Don't tell!) Keep us posted on Eden's surgery, I know she will be fine ! Love and Smooches to you all, Mamma Jules
P.S. Welcome to little Riley too!
Happy new baby, too exciting.
You will hold it together fine for Edens surgery. She is going to do fine and so is her Mama.
Wow glad you found out Hollands allergies. Not so bad. There are lots of things out there as well without eggs as well. I know I have an egg free cookbook and stuff let me look for it and see if I still have it and I will send it your way. It has cakes, and all sorts of things usually made with eggs but are egg less for dietary reasons.
Hang in there everything will go great and stop being so hard on yourself you have alot on your plate right now.
Congratulations to Nick and Sabrina! I'm glad little Malachi is here. :)
Billie, its okay that you forgot a couple of appointments...that happens ALL the time. :)
I will keep you and Eden in my prayers as her surgery approaches. i'm sure that you will both make it through just fine. :)
Merry had a visit to the allergist yesterday (visit www.awordfitlyspoken.blogspot.com) and so far so good. But I understand the aggravation with allergies!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Keep up the good work.
It seems that the baby rolling off the bed is a rite of passage that we all have to go through! I know I was determined that it wasn't going to happen to me after it happened to a friend of mine, but it did, of course. I am hoping/praying/crossing my fingers that Eden sails through her surgery with flying colors.
Hey Billie!
Congrats to Sabrina & Nick!
Malachi sounds so cute can't wait to see some posted pics.
And all of us mother's have forgotten an appt. or two or three and yes we all have learned the hard way re: rolly-polly babies.
In my book, the award you should getting is WSSABM! (World's Strongest Sweetest and Best Mother!) Eden's in our prayers everyday!
Lots of love for you, John, and your beautiful strong daughters,
Dear Billie and John,
Thank you very much for your updated wonderful post ! It helps us to know, think and pray for your family from Far East ! I visit your blog frequently, smile with your happiness and sad with your difficulties ! Although I have never dated , get married and have babies at my 26 ages but I know how wonderful it is to have a nice spouse and cute babies ! Is it right ?
No matter what it happen, please be brave to go through it. Everybody is always by your side !
All our best wishes to Holly and Eden ! Love you all !
Van family.
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