In related news, Holland has found her voice and has FINALLY started saying her B's! It took forever and I was starting to worry. She had a breakthrough last night and has been practicing nonstop even since with "Ahhhh, Baaaa" over and over again. She has also taken to yelling. Not out of anger or frustration, just out of sheer pleasure. I love listening to her. Last night her little voice brought tears to my eyes. We recorded it. I would love to post it, but have no idea how. Maybe daddy will figure it out for me (hint, hint) so you all can hear how sweet she sounds.
Thank you all so much for the supportive and encouraging comments on the last post. I really loved reading them. I look forward to new comments and check everyday, so keep them coming! I have also gotten and lot of really nice emails from other parents out there. I read all of them, and have been keeping up with quite a few other preemie babies online. I really love hearing and reading other people's stories. It really helps me to feel less alone and gives me hope. It also makes me feel good to be able to provide that sense of support for other parents. I really try to get back to all of the parents who email me. If I haven't gotten to you please forgive me, things are a little crazy around here! Please know that I REALLY appreciate all of your kindness:)
Hi Billie:
I'm soo soo glad you guys are moving along with Eden's implant! I know everything will go just fine. :)
You are really very brave, and are an inspiration to me.
Keep your chin up!
I love you.
You all are so very amazing, and I love you to pieces! Exciting news about the implant and about Holland's new found voice. Much love, Jess
I've just found your blog, I think it was linked in someone else's (I don't remember who's). I've spent the last 2 days reading your archives. I just wanted to say that you are an inspiration. I don't have a preemie, but your story just struck me. Your daughters are very lucky to have such a strong woman for their mother.
Such good news about Eden's implant! October is just around the corner. Holland will be blabbing non-stop now, get ready! Once they know how to do it they are forever talking!! It's a girl thing I believe!!lol!
Keep us posted on all the latest and Billie, best wishes to going back to school on Tuesday..it will all work out. Smooches and Big Fat Hugs.. Love, Mamma Jules
Hi John! How are ya?
Hi there! I'm so happy to hear of the upcoming surgery for Ms. Eden! (That's a first!) I'm also sad to hear of the MRI results from the last posting. I know the two of you will do everything in your powers to ensure Eden and Holland have a happy and healthy life, what more could one ask for? So take pride in their advances and don't read too many books that tell you were they "should" be at. Keep taking hte mini steps- just look at how many they've taken already! BTW- thank you so much for the books and clothes, but every women should burn What to Expect When You're Expecting! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and IO hope to see you this weekend! Much love to you, John, and the girls. Donna
I just started reading courtesy of Tertia and I am so happy for you that you have a date for the surgery. I cannot imagine what a thrill it was for you to hear Holland's voice. You really are an inspiration. I cannot begin to understand the journey you are facing with your children, but it seems like your love for those girls is enough to get you all through it. They are beautiful.
I just love seeing how big the girls are now (I've been Internetless over the summer months). They are just precious. I have been trying to catch up on all of your entries. I am so sorry to hear about Eden's CP, but thrilled about the implant. I know it will go well. Know that you are all in my thoughts always, Kris
Dear Billie,
It is a wonderful thing to hear your child making noises that will someday be words. I remember the thrill very well. It's especially nice to wake up to your babies' little sounds of pleasure. You just wonder what their little minds are thinking, don't you? It won't be long and Holland and Eden will be talking non-stop as some little girls tend to do! Enjoy each stage.
We love you
Hi Billie,
I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hello.
I've been to your town many, many times! (Lots of relatives living in and around that area).
Anyway, your babies are amazing and beautiful. I have 2 friends whose children have had cochlear implants. They are doing wonderfully and talk non-stop now. I'm also good friends with a woman who was has CP. She is incredibly intelligent (has a PhD), has raised two children, and puts me to shame with her fine motor skills (she knits the most beautiful sweaters etc).
I wish you the best of luck with your girls.
update, update, update
Where are you, did you go back to work? Hope all is well and cant wait to hear how being back at work is going, I am sure you are super busy
Was the yell load?
Matthew C.
Pretty loud. Loud for her I suppose! Not loud for Mitchell, or Claire.
Aunt Bille
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