Eden got her hearing aides on Wednesday. Doesn't she look good in them??? My mom says we could paint her face green if she needed it, and I'd still think she looks cute...it's true. What can I say? On the way to pick up the hearing aides in Ann Arbor I talked to our favorite nurse at the pediatricican's office. I had noticed Eden pulling on her ear again, and was worried that she might be getting another ear infection (or the last one still wasn't completely better). They wanted to check her ears so we made an appointment for Thursday afternoon. Good thing, because Eden woke up on Thursday morning with another raging fever and the same sad pitiful mood that she had the last time. I was right. The same ear is infected again (or still?) so she is going to have another round of antibiotics. Because of the infection and fever, we didn't put Eden's hearing aides on yesterday, so today was her first full day wearing them. I gotta say, they are REALLY a PAIN. The left one doesn't work well at all because it is constantly whistling and giving feedback. The right one is a little better, but still rings every time she turns her head to the right. Which is a lot, because not only does she not have the best head control, but she always wants to look around at everything.

At our first appointment with the audiologist at U of M Eden showed a noticeable response to sound at 95 decibles. That is really LOUD and at the limits of the equipment. So the loss is definitely in the profound range, but the good news is that at least they were able to elicit a response, indicating that her auditory nerves are likely intact and she should be a good candidate for a cochlear implant. With her hearing aides she responded to sound at 85 decibles. Still VERY loud. We have to give it some time before we can tell for sure what kind of benefit she gets from the aides, but it is pretty likely that she won't be able to hear speech or anything other than loud noises.

Hmmm...what else have we been up to? Well, both girls were evaluated by the school district and Early On to see if they qualify for early intervention services. A physical therapist from the district came to the house to do the evaluation. Based on the results Holland was ineligible for special education because, so far, her development is "within normal limits." Eden does qualify and will begin receiving physical therapy through the school district in the fall to help with gross motor skills. The tone in her arms and legs is good, with no tightness in her ankles or hips, but she has low tone in her neck and trunk. The PT brought a "feeder seat" out to the house for Eden to practice in. When she is laying on her back she tends to play out to the side with her head turned rather than reaching to play in front. When she sits in the seat it helps her to strengthen muscles while keeping her supported and bringing her to midline. She actually likes playing there quite a lot.

We are going to be attending a baby group for five weeks this summer (starting next Wednesday) with a PT, Occupational Therapist (OT), and Speech and Language teacher (TSLI) to start working on motor skills. Holland will be going with us:) A teacher of the Hearing Impaired is going to start coming to the house once a week to work with Eden starting next Thursday. And a private physical therapist is going to come to the house once a week to see both girls through the summer starting next Friday. Whew... So much for a "summer vacation."
I'm sorry to hear Eden's aids are such a pain, but am so glad she showed favorable results for the implant. Eventhough it sounds as though your summer will be filled with appointments and obligations, just think of how much fun you'll all have playing outside, going to the beach, and the zoo. It will be your first fun filled family summer. I can't think of anything you would enjoy more! Hope John's show was great, and i'll see you soon. P.S. Heather and Jeremy delivered baby girl Marley today by C-section around 3pm. If I remeber right she weighed in at around 6lbs and 19 inches. Congrats!! Love Ya Liz
Hi- I've posted here before about my micropreemie in LA. I wanted to let you know that if Eden is always preferring to look to one specific side when on her back, she should get assessed for torticollis. Ask the private PT about it. My daughter always did this and it created the muscle imbalance in the neck (torticollis- not always visible) that without certain exercises the PT teaches you to do can lead to needing a helmet and more. Sorry if you already knew this, but I wish someone had told me!
Hey Billie:
I'm glad to hear the relatively good news on Eden's hearing. Any hearing is better than none, right?
I'm glad you are getting a physical therapist to help her out too. If you recall, Meredith had to have physical therapy because of torticolis, and the therapy worked wonders with getting her to roll over, sit up, and turn her head BOTH directions!
I'm sure you will see a marked difference in Eden's mobility after just a few sessions with the therapist. :)
Keep up the good work, and enjoy the summer weather!
Lots of love,
Hi guys - the girls are looking adorable, as usual. Just wanted to say that we love yous and will get in touch after our big trip to AK. Much love, Jess, Dave and "big boy"
hi all! it sounds as if you have quite a busy summer ahead of you! the girls look sweet, and yes, your mom is right, they would look cute in/on/full of anything :) i am planning my trip home soon and can't wait to spend some time with you. big hugs and kisses all around.
As usual they are too cute! I'm happy to know that Eden's appointment showed ability to hear, that is better news than expected originally, right? Holly looks as happy as ever, they are so sweet! Hope to see you all when Lisa swoops in, we need to do a girlie day, (short girlies included!) Smooches! Love, Mamma Jules
I am really sorry to hear that Edens aids are getting in the way. But I was reading and I am so glas that I read this becuase I will be attending Fontbone university in St.Louis, I will be a speech pathologist for the deaf. I am hoping the best wishes upon your family, I am so excited about doing this and reading the artical makes me feel joy inside. I pray she does better.
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