The girls turned 6 months old, in age adjusted terms, on Tuesday the 17th. I thought it would be good to write a little about their personalities and development thus far, so we can look back on this someday and remember what they were like. Holland now weighs 13 pounds 2.5 ounces. She has lots of dark hair wth blonde highlights on the top of her head, but not so much on the back. She is able to roll over really well now, and can pick up her head to look at her toys when on her belly. She is also sitting up with just a little support, and likes to spend time in her walker or booster seat practicing her skills. She really likes to kick things and is good at aiming her feet, whether it be to kick her toys to make them move, or to kick her sister in the head:) She also LOVES to be talked to and sang to. She laughs out loud when I bounce her on my lap and sing, and when I scare her and say "hey" in a stern voice. She holds her toys and puts them in her mouth, but doesn't really reach for them yet. She does reach for her sissy's mouth though! Holland is a great sleeper and eater. She drinks about 25 ounces of milk in 24 hrs, and usually only wakes up once during the night to eat, if at all. She generally takes 3 naps a day, one long morning nap and two shorter afternoon and early evening naps.

Eden now weighs 12 pounds 2 ounces. She has dark hair all over her head that is growing fast, and has really dark brown eyes with looong eyelashes. She is still working on learning to roll over and pick up her head consistently. She is very content to lie on her back and bat at her toys on the baby gym. Eden has a very goofy sense of humor. She likes when we make faces at her and LOVES to stick out her tongue. She smiles and laughs with her mouth WIDE open. Eden is not too keen on eating and would be happy with about 2 ounces every 3-4 hours, so we have to push a bit to get her to eat. She gets distracted and wants to look at everything going on around her, so as not to miss anything. Eden goes through phases with eating and sleeping so it's hard to say if there is a pattern. In general she is drinking about 18-20 ounces of milk a day, and wakes 1-2 times a night to eat. Eden takes 2-3 naps a day. The morning nap is pretty consistent, but sometimes she will skip one of her afternoon/evening naps and will only take two. Both girls are very aware of each other now, and like to spend time looking at and trying to eat each other. They also love to be outside and love to have company. They are really good natured, happy babies and we are lucky to have them!
Don't you just marvel at how absolutely wonderful each of these miracles is! You are blessed and so are they to have you and John as parents. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
They are such a blessing. Big stuff these days! You'll be glad you have this recording of their lives. We can't wait to meet them.
Love, Kris and lil'Brady
Wow, six months adjusted already; how time flies. I'm sure I speak for many of us that regularly check the postings when I say that it is really awesome to be able to watch these two little beings grow before our eyes. I feel so lucky to share in their milestones with the two of you. Thanks. Much love, Jess
sorry about the spelling mistakes and run-on sentence - I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, as I'm sure you can relate. Jess
Smooch, smooch, smooch! You just want to smooch them! You guys are very blessed to have such cuties! Where has the year gone? I cannot wait to see them again, every time I visit the website I'm amazed at their progress and their growth, I usually spend the next 10 minutes laughing and smiling and showing everyone who comes in to the library at school! You guys still are my young parent heroes..! Love, Mamma Jules
i'm with jessie! it is such a gift to be able to share in their milestones. reading the posts always brings a smile to my face and brgihtens my day. thanks. i miss you all.
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