Now (April 05)...

Today we officially used up the last of the frozen breastmilk. I feel kinda sad about it. I had hoped that they would get only breastmilk for a year. Now I am still pumping three times a day, so they will get just about half breastmilk and half formula. I know I could increase my pumpings to produce more milk, but it is just too difficult and takes up too much time for me to remain sane. I plan to keep pumping 3X a day until the babies are one...although my sis thinks I should consider quitting at the end of May so I can enjoy my summer. We'll see...I don't know if the guilt will let me quit.
Lastly I want to send out heartfelt thanks to all the people who commented on Eden's hearing loss, and to all the other preemie parents out there who have sent emails and comments full of support, encouragement, and thanks. We are soooo happy that our story has been a source of encouragement and inspiration to others. We love hearing all of your stories. We also love being able to help others going through this complicated, emotional journey. THANK YOU!
Hello, Billie.
Well, the girls certainly have come a looong way since November! I am constantly amazed at their (and YOUR) stamina!
I'm looking forward to seeing them (and YOU) soon...so is my mom...she and I will coordinate who gets to come first, and who stays home with my girls! :)
We all love you very much.
Take care and we will see you soon.
p.s. please kiss Eden and Holly for Meredith and me. Oh yeah...Merry was pretending to talk to "Baby Eden and Baby Hoyand" on the phone the other day. She said, "Hi, baby Eden, Hi baby Hoyand. Its Merry...how are you?" IT was soooo cute! :)
they are practically toddlers! hee. i can't believe how big they are! i am sure things will go well with the O2. they look so ready to be wireless and on the go. i miss you guys and think of you always.
love, lisa
Look at those beautiful faces!
I'll keep fingers crossed about the oxygen, don't sweat the breast milk....supermommy! I'm quite sure they will do just fine.
Tell them I said hello and give them a Mamma Jules smooch for me!
They soon be without all those tubes, I just know it. I love their sweet little faces! Don't sweat the breast milk...they will be just fine supermommy!
Give them both a big fat Mamma Jules smooch from me will you? PS I have some cute pics I'll send to you. Love, Jules
Hi:) I know you'll be checking to see if there are more comments about every 10 seconds or so; so I thought I'd stop to say, you have the most amazing little girls I've ever seen (mine are cool too but yours are amazing!) There is nothing better than to see Holly grin with her whole face (and hands) when I talk to her and Eden, when there's a pink bunny around is hilarious!!! I love you guys! Kim
Now where are the "then and now" pics of mommy and daddy to see how much you have grown? Although there may only be slight changes on the outside (like dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep or the instant smile everytime you see your girls), it is amazing to read how much you have changed on the inside. Eden and Holland are very lucky to have two parents that are dedicated to making the best decisions for them. Keep up the good work.
Your girls are absolutely beautiful and it is a joy to watch them grow. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Billie, John, Holland, and Eden!
We want to send you-all lots of hugs and kisses. The pictures are so cute. Can't wait to see you-all. We were very sorry to hear about Eden's hearing loss eval. We are praying for all of you. We love you-all very much.
They are sooooo cute! What happened to those large cheeks they had? hehehe I will have to say though, John's genes are shining through! Can't wait to see them. Love Candy
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