So, I was trying to wait to post until we got the good news, but unfortunately we have to WAIT. And patience is not my strongest virtue. We did the overnight study on Wednesday night and both girls did very well. I was hoping to hear the verdict today, but instead the O2 company called and said that they didn't get any data on one of the girls. And of course it would be Holland. Funny thing about the pulse oxymeter...it doesn't pick up when you kick your feet...Holland. The glitch wasn't with us, or with Holly, but with the darn machine. Maybe I'll hear by the end of the day about Eden. Based on my expert opinion (and I do believe myself to be an expert at this point), they are DEFINITELY ready! Holland and Eden are in agreement with me, taking the cannulas out themselves continuously (see pics).

Other big news is that Holland is now holding her toys and putting them in her mouth. Eden is close, but still usually just drops them. Oh, and Holland was afraid of Dr. Hurwitz. First time she showed signs of "stranger danger." Very developmentally appropriate:) I forgot to post their last weight from the Dr. appt last Friday...Holland is 11 pounds 13.5 ounces, and Eden is 11 pounds 2.5 ounces.
I know you haven't gotten the official word yet, but I trust your expert opinion and the girls instinct (cute pictures) about losing those cannulas. Sounds like it's time to celebrate. I'm sure you'll have a great weekend, do something fun it's going to be beautiful. Love Liz
I agree with Liz,
It's time to celebrate! I hear it's going to be a beautiful day tomorrow.
As usual, the pictures are great!
Love and prayers
YOU know they don't need the cannulas, THEY know they don't need the cannulas, now we just need the doctors to tell us what we ALREADY know! See you tommorrow!!!!
I think mommy knows best...of COURSE they don't need those silly tubes!!!
They are beautiful as usual.
I'm glad they are doing so well, and you sound cheerful as well. That's great. :)
Hope to see you very soon.
i am anxiously awaiting the good news... how is holly's itchiness? if she is getting practice holding toys, etc. does that mean she is getting to spend time sans mittens? as always, the girls are beatiful and brightened my day. love yous.
Hey Lis. Holly's itchiness is MUCH better. She's been sans mittens for about a week now. We switched from using .5% hydrocort to 1% and that seemed to really help. 2 nights ago she had a flare up on one arm, but it's manageable. Much nicer than being red and itchy from head to toe:(
YEY! that is great news! i am so happy for her. it must have been a relief to find something that helped. take care.
love, lis
wooo wooo! They have to be ready to get rid of the tubes if they are wearing them in their mouths! You go girls!!! Loved the pictures! Love, Mamma Jules
time for another posting?
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