Today was Saturday so John and I spent much of the day playing with the babies trying to make them laugh. Holly laughed out loud at Daddy today while he was tickling her. So Cute!

Twin girls H & E were born prematurely at 24 weeks 3 days gestation in the summer of 2004. At birth H was 1 lb 3.5 oz, 11.5", E 1 lb 5.5 oz, 12". This is their story...
Be encouraged. So much good has happened these past few months and that good isn't finished yet. Your girls have joy on their faces. They know they are loved. You've done well. All things will work out. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
you all seem to be having some good times over there! it must be so fun watching them become these "little people" that have senses of humor, etc. also, their looks aren't changing as much these days -- they are two unique little beauties. i love the pictures, keep em coming!
love you,
I just stumbled onto your blog yesterday and I couldn't stop reading...what a journey! Their story is really incredible and I wish your family all the best. Your girls are very adorable and cute!! Are they identical or fraternal? I was wondering if there is a story behind their names...one could imagine where Holland Mirabel came from (country, garden in austria) but is that the truth? Just wondering! Thanks for an interesting, informative and, most of all, heartwarming blog.
They are definitly fraternal...very different both in looks and in personality. We often wonder how they both came from us! As far as their names, no real story, just names we have come across that we really liked. You are right about the origin of Holland's name. We were planning to name our first daughter Holland. Eden was chosen as a backup name in case, for some reason, the baby didn't look like a Holland. We got lucky and got both! Eden's middle name, Deanna, is my mother's middle name, and also similar to my middle name (DeAnn).
From all the pictures I see of these adorable babies I'm beginning to think all you two do is sit around and have fun them. No work involved at all right! I'm so happy to see what good times you all are having and can't wait for the spring/summer so I can get my hands on those two and try to get my own smiles. Say Hi to Zippo for me, Bullit wants him to come over for a visit. Love you all!!! Liz
Hi there. Wow...they are so beautiful. I marvel at them...so tiny, and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
The next three verses that follow sum up the awe I feel when I read about Holland and Eden. God did a GREAT job.
I love you all.
Just wanted to let you know that my girls just LOVE the new pics. Claire has been kissing the screen and saying,"see Howand n deden, see!" she just loves her cousins! I can't wait until she can kiss and hug the real thing! I have some shoes and stuff for the girls and will try to get them to you soon! Luv Ya, Missy
What wonderful pictures to end my long day! They certainly are babies that you want to pick up and smooch, that's for sure! Don't you just love they way they get tickled over some of the simplest things? It doesn't take much to make them happy...ENJOY! Love, Mamma Jules
I wrote you a while back. My little preemie born at 25 weeks is still in the nicu but might go home next week. I wanted to let you know that I brought up osteopenia and they all were shocked that I knew what that was. I think it helped- I started seeing a lot more of the nutritionist around after that. Did either girl have a hernia? Mine has. Rop? I am going crazy getting the house ready for the end of the week. How did you get it together when you are at the hospital all time? Did it seem real when they were going home? Did you panic about it/being responsible? Thanks- E
CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! That's all I really have to say about that. Love you bunches, Jess
Dear E-
I am happy to hear that your baby is coming home. In answer to your questions, Holland has a small umbilical hernia, but nothing that will require surgery. Both girls had ROP stage 3 in both eyes and had to have laser surgery. Holland also had RUSH disease associated with the ROP and she had to have surgery twice on one eye. The outcome was VERY good and both have normal retinas now.
Eden came home from the hospital 4 days before Holland. That was very hard because we still had to go to the hospital every day to visit. We were VERY nervous to take the babies home, but at the same time, it was so much easier not having to go to the NICU every day. The doctors appointments, oxygen, and monitors were very difficult for us to deal with, especially in the beginning. But somehow, we have already survived three months! In 18 days, they will have been home for longer than they were in the NICU. We wish you the best of luck. It is really amazing what we can endure when we have to. You have already been through the worst. Now, it's just adjusting to the sleepless nights and figuring out the ins and outs of caring for your baby. Try to enjoy it. It's very hard. But it's also rewarding.
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