Well, it's been over a week since my last post, and what a week it's been. For starters, we had an appointment with the pediatrician, Dr. Judge, on Wednesday. Holland weighed in at 8 pounds 13 ounces, and Eden at 9 pounds 1 ounce. Good news on the weight gain! Unfortunately, it kinda went downhill from there. We left the doctor's office and went straight to the hospital to check in for Eden's sleep study. Just as we suspected, Eden made it clear right away that she was not ready to come off her oxygen. She dropped her oxygen saturation into the 60's before they figured out that the equipment was, in fact, reading correctly. She also turned a very unattractive shade of gray. After that happened, mommy and daddy were ready to leave and go home to bed, but the doctor on call insisted that we stay and do the study on oxygen. We really didn't get the point, but we did not want to be uncooperative and go against the doctor's recommendation, so we stayed. Eden slept in an oxygen hood at 30% oxygen. We thought it would have made a lot more sense to keep her on the same oxygen system she is on at home (1/4 liter cannula). At least then we could be sure of how well she does on that at night when she is sleeping. On the bright side, Eden did great, slept the whole time, and did not have any apnea or bradycardia episodes (we knew she wouldn't).
So, after a night completely void of sleep, we had an impromptu appointment with the neurologist for Eden. Over the past couple of weeks we have noticed her doing this weird head and arm twitch. It is very mild, and lasts only a few seconds, but she does it at least a couple of times a day. When we mentioned it to the pediatrician, he referred us to a pediatric neurologist. So we got to the appointment Thursday morning and they hooked Eden up to an EEG for three hours, during which she only did the weird twitching thing for 6 seconds. Based on my description of the events, particularly as sterotypic and rhythmic, the doctor said he is 90% sure that she is having seizures. He seemed to want to start her on anti-seizure medication (Tripletal), but I am not completely comfortable doing so. I would not be against medication if we were certain they are seizures, they were harmful in some way, they were making her uncomfortable, and it was the only option, but we really don't have clear evidence that any of this is true. I'd also like more information to rule out possible causes, like maybe related to the nutritional supplements that she is on and/or possible difficulties with the oxygen at home??? I'm afraid that the side effects of the medication might lead to a worse outcome than just leaving things alone. I am VERY afraid to make the wrong decision, but my "maternal intuition" is telling me that she is doing fine and I should just wait to see if this will resolve on it's own.
On a positive note, on Friday Holland had her last appointment with Dr. Dass, the retinal specialist who did her ROP surgery. He says that her retinas look nearly perfect, and he does not anticipate any lasting difficulties as a result of the ROP. Holland is now the poster child for ROP surgery! Dr. Dass says that if she had been born just 15 years ago, she would have been blind in both eyes (like Stevie Wonder, who was also a preemie). We are very happy not to have to go to any more appts with Dr. Dass, but it was a great experience having him as a doctor. He is such an intelligent, patient, and compassinate person, and he was so gentle with the babies. When you are going through a stressful and difficult experience, it makes such a difference to have great doctors!
Just before our appointment with Dr. Dass we stopped in for a great visit at the NICU. We finally got to see Ruthann and Eileen! We kept missing them at previous visits. They were very happy to see how much the girls have grown and changed in the past two months:) It was also nice on Wednesday night to be able to see some of the night shift people who hadn't seen the girls since they left the NICU.
Every picture you post the girls look healthy, happy, and content. You need to do what you feel is best and not just follow the doctors blindly. I'm sure it's very scary to have the pressure of making the decisions but looking at how the girls have done so far I think your donig just fine. I'm so happy Holland is done with Dr. Dass. Hope your hanging in there, let us know if you need anything. Love ya all!!! Liz & Eric
MOM knows best!!! You know every little twitch and would NEVER "just wait and see" if you thought there was even a slight possibility Eden would be better off on the meds. Go with your instinct and everything will be fine. You keep better tabs on her than any doctor! The other twins say "hi, we love you all!" or as Matt put it "'waz up, dog, love ya' all" Kim
I LLOOVVEE the picture!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Bille.
The girls are beautiful, just like always. :)
I'm sorry I haven't been on much...and I didn't even realize what was going on with Eden until tonight. Kim was with me at the hospital after my dad's surgery, and we were talking...
I am sorry you have this added stress right now, but all will be fine. I love you very much, and am praying for you.
I'm going to try to call you tomorrow in between Merry's speech pathology appointment and visiting my dad.
Take care...and know you are in our prayers.
Much love,
Kendra (and Meredith)
Hi guys! I was happy to see new smiley pictures of the girls! I'm sorry that things didn't go as planned but keep a positive attitude. I think you are right not to jump into meds until everything is confirmed, you know them best, and only want the best for them. I would gather all the information you can first..(like you already haven't been!) Is it possible to rig something up to hold the cannula in place with a ribbon or something soft that you could tie like a headband for Holly? There has to be a way to help that boo-boo heal up! I think about you all each day and know that things will eventually fall into place for both girls and they will be ok. Love to you all, Mamma Jules
Hi Guys,
Thinking of you...
Love, Amy and Rod
Hi Guys,
Thinking of you...
Love, Amy and Rod
I couldn't resist....Amy and Rod? Who is Rod? Does Ron know? hee-hee! Love, Mamma Jules
hi guys! i really love the new picture (man, are they cute!). i am happy to hear the good news about holly's eye appointment. i will try to think about the "tender grips" situation...as for eden, i believe that you, as her parents, know best. proceed carefully, and continue making well-thought out decisions. you have done a tremendous job thus far. remember that you have so many people who love and care about you, and who have you in their thoughts and hearts (probably more people than you will ever know)... i love you all! keep us updated.
oh, jules is such a card! hee hee!
Amy and Rod are different than Amy and Ron. Of course, we love all of them!
I have egg on my face...my apologies to Amy and Rod, sorry...never assume...love, Mamma Jules
You have the shirts on the wrong girls:)
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