New Years Day...Holland and Eden were officially 5 months old yesterday! Today is 155 days, with an adjusted age of 6 weeks and 3 days. Can you believe it's been that long??? We had an appointment with the pediatrician on Thursday so the girls could get their Synagis® shot. This was their second shot to help prevent RSV. They will need a shot every month through the winter months. While we were at the appt we also got new weights. Holland is up to 7 pounds 8 ounces, and Eden is 7 pounds 15 ounces!!! Eden is just an ounce short of 8 pounds, and Holland is closing in on her quickly:) This is our FAVORITE pic of the girls! It gives you a little taste of our day to day dealings... But they're SO cute! (Usually we put Holly on the left, but in this pic Eden is on the left.)

We celebrated Christmas with Nana and Papa on Christmas Eve. The girls got dressed in their fancy dresses that Aunt Kimi bought. Nana made the traditional Christmas breakfast just for us a day early...YUM. The girls got quilt racks for their bedroom, as well as some Dr. Suess books, among other gifts. On Christmas day we had a few visitors. Uncle Nick and Aunt Sabrina came by with some really cute sweaters, hats, and booties. Grandpa, Aunt Lisa, and cousin Briana came by later in the evening with dinner (YUM) and more gifts all around. We really missed our usual holiday traditions, but it was nice spending Christmas at home with our new little family. We look forward to next year when we take the girls out to all the family parties!

New Years Eve was also a bit different this year. No more partying till the sun comes up for Mommy and Daddy! It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the New Year up in Marquette with Aunt Jess and Uncle Dave. This year they have Aidan and we have Holland and Eden. What a difference a year can make... So, at the stroke of midnight Mommy got the first kiss, then we gave baby kisses all around. Holly was awake and gave us a couple of smiles. Edie slept through the whole thing...what a surprise...Not!
Billie & John, what wonderful pic. I just love them. Thanks. You are both doing a wonderful job with my sweet baby girls. I can't believe they are 5 months old!!! Loveya, Nana
Happy New Year!!!!! WE LOVE THE PICTURES! Glad I got to talk with you. I love the stories about my nieces, the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. They are really filling out with beautiful rosey cheeks. Can't wait to see you guys. P.S. Ch. gets out Monday. Hopefully, we will be reporting good news in a couple of months. Love you guys. Happy New Year!!!!! J,L,C,C,C,&J
Hey Billie and John:
HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) I bet this is going to be a wonderful year for the four of you. :) Those girls are getting so big!!! I really really want to see them! :)
Kiss them for me, and be of good cheer, the best is yet to come. :)(won't be long until you are looking back and saying, "Where has time gone???")
Meredith will be three this year, and Scott and I have reached the point where we are realizing she's not a baby anymore...wow...how weird! :)
Enjoy the babytime, and look forward to the toddler years...they go by way too quickly!
I love you all so much.
Take care.
Love and prayers,
Hi Guys!
HOW SWEET! It's amazing how they change from each update! I can imagine that this year's festivities were unique but all worth it. By this time next year you will have gone through a toddler Christmas and THAT is when the fun starts! You haven't lived until you've fished tree tinsel and carpet fuzz out of the mouth of babes! Just think, twice the fuzz and tinsel! Aunt Lisa left to go home yesterday, I'm missing her already..your babies are your babies, no matter how old they are! Love you guys and don't forget us folks who depend on the internet updates! I think about you every day!
Love, Mamma Jules
Dear Billie & John, The girls are changing so much with every update! They are just adorable and I can't wait to hold them and love on them. This has to be the one Christmas and New Years that will remain within your hearts forever! Such little but such large blessings you have to share together. I have to admit that having Jessie, Dave and my new grandson, Aidan home for the holidays was the BEST gift I could have ever received and that will be MY Christmas I will hold dear to my heart forever. You are all in my thoughts daily and I sent you lots and lots of Love for always. Keep those beautiful photos coming! Love, Candy
Billie, John, and girls:
We just loved the Christmas cards and pics. That picture of the girls you posted, is too cute! I have a favorite of Brady making an unhappy face and it just make me laugh, too. Glad to hear that although the holidays were unusual, they were cheerful, too.
Best wishes for a happy New Year,
that is the BEST picture! i've looked at it three times, and each time i crack up. sorry i didn't get to see you again before i left -- there is never enough time. happy new year and happy birthday ladies! kisses from me.
oh yeah, the new year's party-hat pic is also priceless. holland looks very skeptical of the whole business. i am rolling over here!
They're looking GREAT!!! So healthy and chubby! They look so pretty in their Christmas dresses...and the expression on their faces is just hilarious! :)
Hi- I just had a micropreemie on 11/26 (@25 weeks). She was 1 pound 8 oz (now almost double!). I found your site by chance, and want to let you know it is very helpful read updates and see pictures of the development of your girls because we are going through it with pda surgery, sepsis, etc. Seeing them home is something to look forward to with my daughter and gives me hope. -e
This is so weird! I just looked up your profiles after posting about my preemie and I am a school psych. too! But I quit to deal with what is going on. Anyway, thanks again for the site. -e
Hi e. I'm so glad that our site has been helpful for you. That was one of our hopes when we originally started it. It is a looooong and hard road, but you CAN get through it. It's really amazing what we can do when we have to... The time we spent in the NICU is now seeming so long ago. Now that they are home we are just dealing with the sleepless nights and continuous worry. A time that I am sure you look forward to! I will keep your little one in my thoughts and wish you all the best. You can read another good story about a 25-weeker at http://snowdeal.org/section/ex_machina/. I found it inspiring!
I love reading about Holland and Eden. Your lives are more hectic now, but isn't it wonderful! I hope you're printing all of your updates so that the girls can read this someday and know the dedication you and John have had. I am praying that God will be your strenth in the coming months and years. Connie Wilhoite
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