Our doggie Zippo woke us up from a sound sleep last night having what we think was a seizure. Very Scary! Anyhow, when we checked in on the girls they were sound asleep cuddled up together. We thought it was so sweet we had to take pictures. They really love snuggling with each other, and with us. The home care nurse came again today and weighed them. Holland is 8 lbs 7 oz and Eden is 8 lbs 9 oz. Just two ounces different, the same as when they were born.
Oh, and Zippo is fine and back to his normal self today. We don't know what happened... Hopefully it won't happen again.
Hi Billie & John...I've been reading your blog ever since you posted on the WMHS 94' reunion website; and never posted a comment until now- your girls are truly a miracle; and they are so beautiful...I just love the sleeping baby picture. Thanks for sharing their story.
Kacy (Harding) Farmer
The girls are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your days and nights with us. Just say the word and we'll be there with a nice pot o' soup!
Love always, donna and timmy (as raven would say..hee, hee)
Hey guys!
Love the pictures of them snuggling. Sounds like the girls are doing well. It is so nice to hear good news first thing in the morning. Thanks for the new update.
We hope Zippo is okay. Love you guys, J,L,C,C,C,&J
P.S. J gave Ch. the gift fr. you guys, on Tuesday. He really appreciated it.
This picture is my favorite. So peaceful and content all snuggled up together. We love you guys! Jessie, Dave and Aidan (Nesta too:)
They truly are little miracles! They look like 2 little peas in a pod! The nice thing for them is, they will always have a best, closest friend who knows them best! They truly are lucky girls. Glad to hear that Zippo is ok and his old self again. Love, Mamma Jules
What beautiful sleeping babies! :) I am amazed at what God has done for you. :)
It encourages me that He is still answering prayers and still healing...especially in light of my dad's cancer.
Much love to you...and many prayers.
When I read about your babies and how they are progressing, I sense so much love and devotion. I remember looking in on my boys and watching them sleep. You "almost" make me want to be young and watching over my babies again. But I remember the teen years. So I'll just reminisce. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
oh the little sleeping beauties -- how sweet! i can't beleive that they're only 2 oz apart now. does holland still seem smaller? sorry to hear about zippo, hopefully it's just a freak occurrence. love yas.
Just a note to say thanks for visiting my dad's site. :) And thanks for your very kind words.
We love you and Merry and I still pray for Holland and Eden every single night. :)
Love and hugs,
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