Eden's chest tube was removed today and she will be returning to St. Joe's to be with her sister tomorrow. We're very ready to have her come back. She had a rough day on Friday trying to recuperate from her surgery. She was having some difficulty with her blood pressure being too low (hypotension) and was given several medications to raise it. Hydrocortisone, which is given as a last resort, finally worked, but has actually raised it a bit high. We've been worried about that the past couple of days, but the nurses assure us that it is okay and not too high at this point. We also found out on Friday that her doctors at U of M did a head ultrasound prior to surgery on Thursday and found that she has a grade 2 intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), also known as bleeding in the brain. We've been reassured by Dr. Weiner that most Grade 1 and 2 bleeds resolve on their own with no lasting effects, but it makes us nervous nonetheless. A followup ultrasound, which was done 24 hours post-surgery showed that there has been no change, so I guess that is a good sign that it hasn't gotten worse. Hopefully over the next few days we'll be able to report that there's been improvement. The good news is that Eden came off the oscillator yesterday and is back on the conventional ventilator and doing well. She really is moving in the right direction!
Dear Billie, John, Eden and Holland,
Wow! How exciting that you finally got to hold Holland, and hopefully by now Eden will be back with her sister at St. Joe's where you all can be together. You know we are with you every day in spirit and we cheer here at home each time we learn of a new triumph that brings the girls closer to going home where they belong. Many smooches to you all, remember we love you! Hi to grandma and grandpa too! Love, Julie and Lisa
Dear Billie and John,
I'm so glad to hear things are going good. I will try and stop by and see you again soon. Please call me if you need anything. Love, Amber, Rick, Ireland, and Logan
Dear Billie and John:
I was so glad to read that the girls are doing well! You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.
Take care of yourselves, and Billie, let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Much love to you and the sweet babies.
Billie and John,
So happy to hear you can finially cuddle your babies, I am sure those times will be treasured memories you will both enjoy. If I can do anything, let me know. Billie, I wrote you a personal email, try to find time to read it soon, it could be of some use to you.
Take Care,
Brenda & Family
I'm thrilled that things are going so well with the babes. See you guys soon. (I hope John is using all this extra stress to write some insightful micro preemie twins lyrics!).
dave white
Hi John and Billie
I love the website! Its great to hear the encouraging updates on those sweet little babies. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
Love Harry, Janie, Brooke and Madison
Dear Billie & John may the blessings you have given others be returned to you and your children. You are all in my heart and prayers daily. The love and faith surrounding all of you is positive strength - today and all days. Love Always Candy
Billie and John- We are so happy to hear of their progress. You 4 are in our thoughts daily. Tim and I would love to bring some soup by upon our return. We send only the best wishes and positive thoughts from Vancouver Island. Love Donna and Tim
Dear Cousins,
We are praying for you and your family. It's nice to see the updates and pictures on your website. May God continue to bless you and give you and the girls strength.
Mark, Jill, Melissa, Amanda & Alan
Dearest Billie and John - It was such a pleasure to meet your two beautiful daughters. We will treasure those moments forever. Please know that you are in our thoughts each day and we love you dearly. Love, Jessie and Dave
Hi all!
I'm back in LA and I just wanted to send you my love, and tell you how much I enjoyed spending time with the girls on Monday. They are looking so good! I think Holland is a future dancin' machine...I can't wait for more updates and pictures. Talk to you soon.
Love, Lisa
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