Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ten Things I Don't Hate About You

One of the biggest life lessons that I have learned through the experience of having extremely premature babies and children with disabilities is to never take the good things in my life for granted. Over the past five years I have learned a new and greater sense of appreciation for so many little things in my life that may have been overlooked had I not had the experiences that I have had. There have certainly been times when I have wallowed in my misery, and have felt the grips of grief and despair. But there are also times when I can truly appreciate the beauty of my life, and am awed and humbled by how very lucky I am.

I am thankful for so many things; my children and the joy they bring, my amazing family (especially my mother who loves me and helps me out in so many ways), our health, our jobs, a comfortable house, and so much more than just what we "need."

I am also so very thankful for my husband and the amazing connection that we have. As with any relationship, things are often far from perfect. We have obviously had our share of trials and tribulations. We have had the usual stresses of any relationship, and then some... We argue and we get really annoyed with each other. We get angry and hurt, and we fight. But through it all, we have persevered, and I can truly say that I love my husband more now than I ever have. Even if it sounds cliche, I feel that our trials have brought us closer, and have made us stronger as a couple than we may have been otherwise.

In many, many ways we have always been perfect for each other....and we still are.

I have been meaning to do a post like this for a loooong time, but just haven't made the time to sit down and actually do it. I find myself waiting for the right occasion...his birthday, our anniversary, Father's Day...but then those days come and go and I don't get around to it. So, I am doing it today.

Thanksgiving. A day for giving thanks.

So, John, these are Ten Things I Don't Hate About You!
(Or Ten Things I Love About You...whichever you prefer)

10. I love that you email me links to articles or information that you find online that you are interested in and that you think I might like to read.

9. You help with the cooking and dishes, and you pick up after yourself. You also help me with my tech problems and take the garbage out!

8. Your passion for music. I love that you play in bands and are so driven to create. I love that you buy new music for me and care about what I like, and that you are introducing our girls to music. I especially love listening to you play Hannah Montana on the guitar and that you learn all the lyrics and sing along just to inspire our kids.

7. The way you smell.

6. You always remember special occasions, even things other guys might think are cheesy (like the anniversary of our first date and sweetest day) and I love that you sometimes bring me flowers and cards for no reason at all!

5. You are the most honest and trustworthy person I have ever met. I love the security I feel in your love for me, and that I have never had one moment of doubt regarding your dedication to our relationship and to our family.

4. You are 100% a hands-on dad. You are *present* with our girls...completely involved in their care since day one, from waking in the night, changing diapers, feeding, bathing...everything. I can leave them with you on my (rare) girls' weekends with my friends and never worry for a second. You do it all, and you do it at least as well as me...sometimes better.

3. You play. I play too, but you have infinitely more patience for it than I do. The girls are so excited when you get home from work, or when the weekends come, because they know you will think up the coolest, most elaborate games to play with them...from obstacle courses, superheroes and villains, hidden clues and mysteries to solve, and secret agent notes to decipher...they love to play with you, and I love to watch the three of you together(when I am not playing myself)!

2. I love the look that passes between us when the girls do or say something exceptionally clever or cute. I love that I can share the love/thrill/pride that I feel for them with someone who feels it as much as I do.

1. I love talking to you. After 16 years I still feel like you are my best friend and I enjoy your company. We still have things to talk about, and we see eye-to-eye on the majority of life's most important issues. I always sense that you feel the same. I feel like you value my opinions, you listen to me, and you help me to always remember the big picture.

The big picture is that we are still "meant to be." You are my soul-mate and I am so very thankful for you!


abby said...

This was just lovely.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Billie!

This comment has nothing to do with your post today (which is totally beautiful) but a link to an article I thought you might enjoy. Sorry if you've already seen it!


Katy said...

Warms my heart.

Kat said...

Love this post, Billie (as all your posts)! Thank you for writing it.

SDCP, Slovakia

Heike Fabig said...

Lovely. And he looks pretty darn cute too, that hubby of yours. Good catch all round eh?

Marcia said...

Billie, even if you've never made this post, your love, gratefulness and admiration for your husband transpires in every word, in every picture, in everything from this blog. You are an amazing couple and a very cute and rock'n'roll one too. :D

Anonymous said...

Billie is Eden standing on her own in that pic???

alice said...

What a beautiful post! The love that you & John share comes through in all of your posts, but this is truly a wonderful gift, to him and to the two of you. Thank you for sharing it!

Billie said...

Yes, Eden is standing in that picture, with John's legs for support behind her. She did really good that day, and was bearing weight by herself for about a minute. That's probably the longest she has even been able to do it:)

Anonymous said...

GO EDEN!!!!! That is great!!!!

Allison said...

Yup, you made me cry.

Kristina said...

What a lovely post.

Stephie said...

Found some new kids music by a duo called Leeny and Tamara:

"..It’s Cool To Be You, a song that highlights the fact that we all have our own talents and we’re all different. Ivan is blind and can’t walk and I can’t remember ever hearing a song that actually admits that “Some wheel around in chairs; Some can’t hear and some can’t see.” It’s refreshing.

Leeny says the point of this song, and the whole album really, is “to convey a message of acceptance. Different is good, so just be yourself. It all starts when we’re kids—learning social behavior, figuring out right from wrong. But it’s also about respecting animals and the Earth, appreciating what you have and sharing. We’re all in this world together so we’d better make the best of it!”

You can learn more about Leeny and Tamara (and listen to song samples) at their site:"

Amy said...

I just loved this...I know John did, too. Refreshing!

Billie said...

Amy... I need an invite to read your blog!!! It's been ages since I've checked in (since you went private) and I don't know how to get ahold of you. I miss B and B!

Dream Mom said...

What a great post! Sounds like a keeper:)

Anonymous said...

Well, I read from beginning to end of the blog and I am so impressed and encouraged and in love with your darling girls! So spunky! Thank you for sharing your story. I'll be checking back in regularly!

The Hanna Family said...

You guys are a GREAT family! What an inspiration!