The girlies are both sick with high fevers, mild congestion and coughs. This wouldn't be such a big deal, except that they have had to miss their entire last week of preschool. It's so sad! I was totally looking forward to tomorrow, dressing them up and taking a picture in front of the house so I could see how much they have grown and changed since their first day of school. Instead we'll be dosed up on Motrin, laying on the couch in our PJs watching movies all day.
I'm still holding out hope that they will be well enough to go to the end of the year picnic at the park on Friday, and also that they will be feeling up to performing at their dance recital on Saturday. Oh what bad timing:(
Get better soon girlies!!!
Feel better girls! WE love you...
Kendra, Merry and Kelsey
That is such an adorable picture!!
Hope they perk up and feel better soon.
I hope they feel better soon. I can't believe that their first year of school is already over!!!!
So sorry they aren't feeling well!
Is Eden going around without her headband on? I hardly recognize her!
Yes, Eden's head control has improved and she has enough hair now that we can pull it in a pony tail and clip her processor in her hair. Isn't she gorgeous?:)
I hope your gorgeous girls get better soon - we are having the same cough/congestion issues with Princess here in not-so-sunny Brisbane Australia! That's great news about Eden's new hairstyle. One question - how do you get your girls to sit still/stable long enough to do such precision ponytails? I just can't seem to get it right!
I hopehopehope they get better in time for the end of the year festivities! Selfish me wants pictures of the dance recital!
I hope they bounce back quickly and can enjoy all the end of the year activities. Love this picture!
This picture of the girl's is so very sweet...They are just so adorable and happy : ) Hope they are feeling better soon so that they can enjoy all the fun activities.
I knew something was different about Eden. :)
How are they feeling?
Slowly seeing improvement... They are still sick, but the day got better as it went on, as opposed to yesterday when it just got worse. We didn't make it to the end of the year picnic, or to their preschool friend's bday party, but we did okay at the dance recital. Will post more on that soon:)
Gosh Billie, I can't believe that it is summer for you again. Didn't that just happen... like... yesterday? You have done / continue to do a fabulous job with your beautiful girls. It's funny, I was only thinking the other day how alike they are starting to look (what an incredible blonde thing to say).
I'm in awe of you.
Sitting with Daniel on my lap and can you guess what he shouts?
His new word and he says it as clear as day!~!
We've gotta invest in more tracks soon. He is getting sick of the little circle I have!~
Hope the girls are feeling better
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