In other words, we have approval for power wheels!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!
I take back everything negative I said about them. Weelllll okay...maybe not everything:)
I also got a report in the mail today from Eden's speech and language evaluation, done 2 years post cochlear implant, at the center where she got her implant. The scores themselves are somewhat hard to swallow, especially since I am a school psychologist and standard scores are what I do. The thing is, ALL the tests are normed on kids with no hearing loss or physical limitations. I KNOW this logically, but still...she's significantly below average in terms of scores. On the very bright side, the report summarized the examiners impressions like this:
"Eden is successfully using her cochlear implant to develop spoken language. Her progress continues to be steady. The effects of cerebral palsy impact her breath support for speech; however, marked gains have been made in this area. Eden's performance is in keeping with what this center typically sees from a good cochlear implant user 24 months after activation when no disability is present."
Did you catch that? Her performance is TYPICAL for GOOD CI users 2-years post implant. I am so proud. Clearly, she is brilliant, and beautiful to boot.

Her sister isn't bad either!

Don't forget to support Team Holland and Eden!
Yeah! WooHoo! Hurray! and any other exciting interjection you can think of
Clearly she is a spectacular child. That's wonderful news.
WONDERFUL news! And I agree, you have 2 gorgeous girls!
Yay!! that is awesome, Maggie and Eden can be flying around in no time together, while Michael and Holland figure out how to "hitch" a ride. Now on the the quest of getting the van!!! We are so happy for you guys.
Congrats! On all counts.
Woo Hoo! Wheels!! How exciting. Ben is gonna flip when he sees her with her new wheels.
And-Your girls are just beautiful!
Congratulations! News worthy of a huge celebration!!!
So glad they approved the wheelchair. The news about Eden is great. That is so exciting. It is good to look past the numbers and celebrate your child and her progress, it is a hard thing to do sometimes. I still have in my head that my 3 1/2 yr old has gross motor skills of a 1yr 8mth old and yet he is only given 30 mins a month of physical therapy. Happy for you guys and can't wait to see pics of Eden in her new chair.
Whooop! Good news all around!
Moniqeu in TX
That is great about the power wheels!!!!!! Wahoo!
Awesome news Billie!! You certainly do have extraordinary girls and the whole world knows it. I'm glad that 2 yr results came back so well for her too.
I love posts like these :)
Great news on all fronts! I'm sure Eden will take to power wheels like a duck to water.
I would do a cartwheel for you if I had ever learned how...
Billie - I am so happy ! Go Eden!!! That is great news and I am sure great to get great news!!!
Also, I added a badge on my side bar supporting Team Holland and Eden! I wish we could come out and march with you but all we can do is send some money from afar at this point! It's great what you are doing for the March of Dimes and the research into prematurity - great montage as well.
Thank you Kathryn! That is so awesome. Thank you so much for supporting our efforts!
What great news! So thrilled that they covered her chair:)
Congratulations on the great news! I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. My boys are only 18 months but we have almost the same story. Your family is inspiring.
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