Eden: Holland?
Holland: What Eden?
Eden: Look, a doggie.
Holland: Yes Eden, it's a doggie.
Eden: Hi doggie.
Holland: Eden, can I have one your Teddy Grahams?
Eden: Here you go Holland.
Holland: Thank you.
Eden: You're welcome.
Seriously melts my heart. It has been three years coming, but they are really starting to talk...to each other.

Oh my gosh, so cute. I love it when babies start to get their conversation on.
I wonder how long before they have their own twin language and stop talking to you altogether...
lol, melts my heart!!! They truly are growing up, aren't they? BTW Jack so totally WANTS that Backyardigan's guitar -- they guy is super crazed with them right now!
Hurrah! Yahoo! Whoop! They will both grow up to be articulate and confident. Eden will be her own best advocate and able to hold her own anywhere.
Eden is going to be a rock star like its daddy. It is the great news that she can speak so well. The photo of Holland with your dog is very pretty. I like very much the dogs.
Sorry by my English… :(
Oh my goodness, that is so cute! Can you even tell that Eden has not been hearing as long as Holland? She sounds like she is doing fantastic! I so love your girls. You are a very lucky mommy!
My heart is just swelling up with joy for you. You and your husband are such wonderful parents.
So sweet! And so polite!
Zippo had the heads up long before anyone else! He knew what they were saying :)
They ARE so sweet to listen to....
I absolutely love the new pictures. I can't believe how awesome they are!! Luv Liz
Love Edens chair it looks so trendy and comfy!
That's awesome, your girls are amazing!
Quite the conversationalists!
oh, how divine. i love it!
Your girls are both so wonderful and beautiful!! I praise you on being such wonderful parents. I only wish I could meet these girls. I would love to hear what they have to say!!
So sweet! Little Miss Manners 1 and 2. I can hear it now... "Eden please get down so Mommy will hold JUST me!" "No thank you, Holland, I am fine just where I am." "Well, if you don't mind, I am going to start crying now, thanks."
That is awesome! I cannot wait for that moment when they can have their own conversations. It is an amazing thing! Little triumphs are the best!
Oh Billie this is so cute!!! I even had to read it to Jeff. I cannot wait for the day that Ashton can say ANYTHING!!!!
That is so cute Billie. Your girls are such heartbreakers. High school boys are going to be aching all over just to chat it up with Holland and Eden :)
Carson and Eli are starting to interact and converse too. I love listening in on their conversations. Yesterday they were discussing the differences between 18-wheelers and dump trucks.
Aww...I love that!
They are such dolls.
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