I just love pictures like this where their personalities shine through. I find it so interesting how many people ask if they are identical and act suprised when I say they are not. We've had a lot of people say that they look a lot alike. We don't think so AT ALL! Just curious what you all think. Do they look at all alike, or completely different? What features do you think look similar and what is different? Can you tell them apart in pictures? All opinions welcome, so long as you think they are as cute as I do!
I think they look so different to me because they each have such unique personalities. It's like they have signature expressions that are all their own. Holland's wide eyed look of enjoying everything around her, and Eden's wrinkled nose of happiness. I think feature wise their chins are very similar. Anyway you think about it I know everyone agree's they are as cute as can be!!Love Ya Liz
I think they are both equally as cute; I think they look so different; but we've all had the pleasure of watching them grow up on here; that its like there part of each of our families!
Kacy Harding-Farmer
Hi, I have been reading since the girls were born, but you don't know me so I haven't left comments. Since you asked for reader input this time though I guess I will! :) I can definitely tell the girls apart, and always have been able to. They are very distinctively different. Except for the fact that they are the same size and age, they hardly even look like twins! Their eyes and foreheads are how I tell them apart, and also their demeanors are usually different. Anyway, just thought I'd put in my 2 cents. I've always loved reading this blog, and I've been in love with the girls since day 1. Keep on truckin'! :D
I think they look completely different as well! It looks to me like Holland favors her daddy and is the more contemplative baby. Eden on the other hand looks like she's always trying to make someone laugh - maybe a little bit of a ham? :o) Macey (Halle's mom)
Oh my goodness. Look at those beautiful baby smiles.
I dont think they look a thing alike. They definitly are different and I have no trouble telling them apart.
Cute, Beautiful, Adorable & Sweet dont say enough for either girl! As far as looks the only similarity that I can see is the happiness & love they both share. Holland is a clone of Daddy and Eden looks more like Mommy. Somedays I sit back and read your post updates and wonder how 2 parents could be so strong? Then I realize that its the girls that get you through it all. If there was an award for the "Greatest Parents" you and John would be the winners by far! You are both an inspiration to so many people. Best of Wishes and Good Luck! Amber
I think the girls definately look like sisters. They don't look identical (their eyes, ears and foreheads are very different), but certainly similar (the overall shape of their faces - especially the chins - and noses). They are both just cute as can be and I'm thrilled to see them so very happy considering what they have been through in their short lives. That is a sure tribute to their parents!
Hi guys!
You have to know by now that I think both are just about as cute as they can be! Each with their own shining smiles and faces of wonderment!
I do agree that while Holland certainly favors Dad...Eden is little Billie! I love the way each has their own hair thang going on! AND...may I add, it appears that Miss Holland might be getting ready for some teeth?!
In any event..they are loved by many for their sweetness!
Big smooches and hugs! Mamma Jules
Hey Billie,
I can totally tell them apart. I do see some resemblences, but you can definately see they look different... unlike Janie's twins who I still have difficulty figuring out which is which ha ha.
Anyway, they are both adorable and I love reading your new posts and pic's!
Sherry W
I have been reading your blog for months now. I just think your girls are so beautiful. They look like sisters, but no, not identical. I, too, have twins.... boy/girl(born at 25 weeks)...Mine dont even look like they could pass as cousins. I enjoy reading the updates on the girls. I pray for them often. They are such miracles. Keep Posting!
Hi Billie,
Your girls are gorgeous. Since day 1 I have been able to tell them apart. They are so unique and so cute! I love how their personalities show through in their pictures. You're doing a great job.
Emily Avey
I was one of those commentors who had asked if Holland and Eden were identical or not...of course, this was many months ago when they were still just little babies! Back then I could not tell them apart. Now I think they have grown up (a lot! and fast!) and really do look different from one another. Although I only know them through this website and the pictures that are posted here I feel like their different personalities are reflected more and more in their pictures. I wish nothing but the best for your family and your little girls. I hope to be able to continue to follow their progress for as long as you will let me! Karen
I agree that Holland and Eden have similar chins, but I also think their cheeks look similar. Other than that, they are total individuals with diverse personalities. But, both are so very lovely and just make me smile when I see their pictures. Thank you for taking the time and sharing their lives with all of us. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
I have been reading also for a long time but never commented but I think the girls are absolutely beautiful but different personalities and I can definately tell them apart. They always look so happy and you are a wonderful mother. Thank you for sharing their story.
I am of the opinion that they are both absolutely gorgeous and yes, very much different. Their personalities, of course, define them much more than physical appearance but I would say, except for being born on the same day, they are quite different from one another. They have some similar family resemblance which is congruent with being siblings, but that's as far as the similarities go, I think.
Maybe it is because we have seen them grow up from babies.
Hi Billie.....I can tell them apart now but even two months ago I couldn't tell you who was who if someone paid me. But, then again, I have never seen them in real life. I love both of those girls and I live for the updates and all the new pitures you always have.
I think you are both amazing parents and I think about you often.
I think they look quite different...but one of the ways I tell them apart is that Holland's pictures almost always appear first in each post.
Very Good! I almost always put Holland first because she was baby A and was born first:)
I don't think they look a thing alike, but they are both beautiful little girls. I love the way their smiles just light up their faces. Its amazing to see babies who are loved...they LOOK different...they shine!
first of all, you know that i think they are absolutely different. i could tell them apart from the get-go :) they are both beautiful (obviously) and wonderful, but they are so unique: from their eyes, to their smiles, to the way they take in their surroundings. they are similar with respect to their courage, spunk,toughness, and loving personalities. plus, i believe they are both of above average intelligence,likeability, fashion sense, and overall cool factor. but that's just my opinion...i must say that it is amazing how many people, especially strangers, are drawn to these two, and your story. reading what others post is a true testament to just how special the girls are, not to mention how special you (the parents) are. i marvel at how many people you've touched.
i myself, cannot wait to see what kind of musical tastes they develop. love and miss you.
Well, I am just a stranger who has been following their progress since you linked from the Trixie website. Their story and progress is very engaging. I love seeing their updates and cheering for them and for you. I also always pray for them. At first I didn't know which was which. Later, I caught on by their hair. Now I know them by their expressions and personalities. I don't expect to ever see them in person, but if I ever did, I would know them instantly and I would know who was who. God bless! You are terrific parents and quite an inspiration, as are the girls!
That was fun! Now time for an update!!!
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