On the first few nights without Holland, Eden didn't sleep a wink and fussed through most of the night. We got quite nervous that this was a preview of how our nights would be with TWO babies at home. Thankfully, it didn't turn out that way. It turned out that Eden just missed her sister. We brought Holly home on Wednesday night and Eden finally went to sleep. In fact, so far both babies have been sleeping wonderfully through the night, cuddled up together in their bassinet. They wake up like clockwork every four hours to eat. We can definitely handle that! We are insanely happy to have our family home, healthy, and together. Both girls are on oxygen and apnea monitors, so we have a lot to cart about when we have to leave the house for doctors appointments. At the last pediatrician appointment on Friday Eden weighed 5 pounds 9.5 ounces, and Holland 4 pounds 13.5 ounces.

We are overjoyed to be home, yet we do miss our surrogate family at the NICU. The doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists at St. Joe's saved our babies lives many times over, and we will always have a special place in our hearts for them. It was an emotional farewell on Wednesday. Doctors Ivacko and Everett were both there to say goodbye, the same doctors who were there with us the night that Holland and Eden were born. There is no way to express the gratitude that we feel for all that the NICU staff has done for our babies and for us. They loved our babies and treated us as more than just a job...thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We will be back to visit and will see you all at the reunion next summer!
Beautiful!!! I'm so glad to see the update:) With all the sleeping the girls are doing you guys will have tons of time to update the site:-p I never see too much of the most beautiful girls in the world! Cute family all the way around. XOXOXOXO
Again, I am drying my eyes. Words cannot express how happy i am for you all. We have so much to be thankful this year, most of all that the girls are home and your family is together. I love you all and would love to peek in the windows at those beauties when i am home this week.
You are well and fully on the road to being parents. You have such joy ahead of you. Enjoy every little smile and hug. It still delights me to remember my two sons as babies and youngsters. Those teen years now are another thing, but there's joy there, too. God bless you. I'll continue praying for all of you. Connie Wilhoite
I am so happy that your whole family is finally home. The girls are so beautiful. You are blessed.
Cheri Murphy
Dear Billie:
When your mom told me how Eden missed Holly, I was so moved. Its amazing how God makes even the tiniest twins to be so intertwined....what a wonder! I'm so so glad for you that you have them home for the holiday season...I know that means alot to you.
They are the most beautiful babies, and I thank God for the miracle of Holland and Eden.
We love you and continue to keep you in our prayers.
Happy Thanksgiving.
How terrific! I'm so happy and thrilled for the four of you. Enjoy your family time, and don't be shocked if there are peepers over the weekend. Love to you all, Donna
Oh my goodness, aren't you just floating? Your babies are finally home together where they belong! I am so happy for you Billie, now you and John can both get down to life as it should be with those two little stinkers! I think about you guys all the time, please keep up the website so we can hear all the great stories and a picture would be good too, they are already growing and changing quite a bit! Love and smooches to you all!! Love, Mamma Jules
Hey sweetheart, I am sorry I havent been able to come see you, I feel so horrible. The babies are simply adorable and I am so happy that everything is going okay. If you have not heard I have moved and have a new job, which is a BIG reason why I havent been able to make it out to see anyone. Please dont forget though that I love you so much and I am so happy for you and John both, as well as the babies. I love you so much dont ever forget that. And if you need anything ever, just get ahold of me somehow. Love you hun
Your cousin Jamie
John, Billie, Holland and Eden,
It is so great to hear such a happy news! Welcome home to the two little ones and congrats to John and Billie for bringing these precious little girls into the world, and for being so strong through the last three months. How inspiring it is to see the girls come home!
The four of you will remain in my prayers. And have a happy Thanksgiving at home as a family. :)
Steven Bee
John, Billie, Holland, and Eden,
Love the picture at home. We are overjoyed for you guys. That twin bond thing is amazing. Glad Eden is sleeping better with sis near. Hope you-all have a nice Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for this year. All of our love, J, L, C, C, & C
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