The girls have been home for 2 weeks now, and boy are they growing fast. We had a pediatrician appointment today and Holland weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces, and Eden 6 pounds 9.5 ounces. They have each gained over a pound since leaving the hospital! Our lives now are busy, busy, busy, and without much sleep. The babies are on a good schedule, but they never sleep for more than a three hour stretch. It was okay at first, but that kind of sleeping schedule really catches up with you. When they wake up at 4am, it takes over an hour for us to warm up bottles, feed and burb the babies, pump, and clean up, so I don't get back to sleep until around 5:15, only to wake up again around 7:45am. I guess that's the life of a mommy. But on top of all that normal baby/twin stuff, we are also dealing with 2-3 doctors appointments a week, medicine schedules, and all kinds of equipment and alarms.
It is more than worth it when I look into their sweet faces and remember how far they have come. I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Wow! How much they've grown in just days!!! It's a FULL time job just to watch grow so fast! The only way to get ANY sleep? Take turns!!! We love you guys, call if you need anything (especially a Coldstone fix!)! Kim & Donnie
Dear Billie and John:
Wow...those girls are growing up so quickly! And they are just beautiful!
I'm so happy to hear you are all doing well...I remember those days of no sleep, and I only had one at a time! :) This to shall pass...trust me. :)
I love you all very much, and you are still in our daily prayers.
We are so thankful that God has blessed you so much.
Lots of love,
hey all! it was so great seeing you both this weekend. too bad i couldn't see the beautiful babes, but my illness has been lingering...anyway, i left some gifts for them with my mom. i will be home again in a few weeks and hopefully can see them then. i love you so.
Dear Billie & John, Finally!!!!! I have been patiently waiting for an update and a new photo. I'm sure you both have soooooo much free time now!! hehehe The girls are beautiful and I'm so glad they are making such great progress! Keep up the good work and enjoy these precious times because they will go by so very fast. Happy Holidays and Love be with You All. Candy
Hi Uncle John and Aunt Billie! How are you? How are the twins? They look adorable in the picture. I'm sorry that I couldn't see you guys at thanksgiving. How was the family thanksgiving? I'm sure it went well. I gotta go but I'll talk to ya later love you,
Hey Guys - I can't believe how big the girls are. They are just about the size Brooke and Madison were when they came home. They grow so fast. Enjoy every minute because you won't believe how the time flys. Miss you guys - if you need anything please give me a call!! Love ya - Janie
Hi Guys!
WOW! They are two little chubbers! They are making up for lost time! It just took getting them home to fatten them up that's all! I really enjoyed seeing everyone last weekend, like old home week! Give the girls a smooch for me, we'll have to get together somehow, some way to get their gifts to them from Lisa, with Christmas right around the corner she'll be home again soon! Love to all of you, Mamma Jules
Billie and John,
Ahhhh, no sleep stinks and it is definitely a hard adjustment for new moms and dads. I think it is the one thing no one can truly prepare you for. Just know that millions of parents both understand and feel for your sleepiness. Hang in there, IT WILL GET BETTER! Before you know it, they'll be sleeping 6 hours straight and so will you. Brady had us on a 2 hours sleep regiment...and he was just one little critter! Those little girls are looking so good, and they are starting to get chubby, chubby. We just love chubby cheekers! Hang in there, you're doing great.
Love, Kris
Oh my dear friends, sleep is a thing of your past I'm afraid, but as you said, there is no amount of sleep that would ever make up for watching your darlings grow and change as each new day dawns. Speaking of dawns, I bet you two can't remember seeing so many dawns in your life! I love you all and think of you so very often. Love, Jess
As the years pass you'll never forget being so tired in this stage of the babies' lives. Because you are true parents, you'll also remember the joy of these times with Holland and Eden. Babies are a gift and all parents should remember that. I don't think either of you will ever forget just what a wonderful gift these two are. Just know that many of us definitely have sympathy and compassion for you. You remain in my prayers. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
Hi Billie, John, Eden, and Holland. You guys look great. Those girls are so beautiful, I miss them. Had many sleepless nights with you girls. I am so happy for all of you. Hope that you will be able to get more sleep soon. I can't believe how big they are getting. They truly are a blessing. I wish you all the very best and hope that I am here sometime when they come in for a visit. I hope that they enjoy their first Christmas.
Stevie from NICU
Hey guys,
Beautiful picture! I know that lack of sleep thing is rough. Hang in there, it goes by so fast. We love you-all. Let us know when it is okay to visit. Can't wait to see you guys again. Love J,L,C,C,C, & J.S.
Billie & John,
Your updates and pictures are so wonderful. Your girls have made tremendous progress and it is so great to see you all so happy and to know that you're all together at home. Much as I love sleeping through the nights now, I do miss those precious moments in the middle of the night soothing and lulling my little Angel back to sleep. It's funny, when the gap started spreading between feedings, I remember laying in bed in the middle of the night waiting for her to wake up. . . and thinking that I should be sleeping! Any ways, it's been a while since I posted, so I just wanted to remind you that I too and thinking about you.
Shannon Smith
Dear Billie and John:
Just a note to wish a happy holiday! We missed you at the Christmas service yesterday, but totally understand. :) Please kiss those sweet babies for me.
We love you lots...enjoy your Christmas!
Love and prayers,
This is the best post yet!
By the way, I nominated your blog for Most Inspirational Blog of the Year. I hope you don't mind.
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