Holland and Eden had a busy day today. They both got back to breastfeeding and were quite happy about it. In fact, I am sure that was their favorite part of the day. Our favorite part was seeing them in a crib together for the first time! When we left the hospital tonight they were cuddled up together listening to some Baby Beethoven. They seemed more content than they had been all day. Their recovery from the eye surgery was better than expected. They are still a bit grumpy and keeping their eyes closed more than usual, but overall they seem pretty peaceful.
Oh, that's Holland on the left and Eden on the right.
Dear Billie and John:
It is such a beautiful sight to see those girls cuddled together...I am amazed at how much God has done for them, and for you.
Just thought you'd like this, Meredith is now into pretending that she is carrying around a baby, and its name is, "Baby Hoyand" (interpretation, baby Holland).
Love you much.
Amazing!! The surgery didn't even slow them down! Did you get to do baths and everything on Saturday? They are definitely a miracle. Holding Eden on Wednesday was the highlight of my week, and I've had a good week! Isn't it unbelieveable how much you can love someone so much after so little time to "get attached", they are only 3 months old and not even due yet and I can't imagine life without them to love. I love you guys too:) I've had years to practice!! Kim
Glad Holland and Eden are doing so good! I was worried and I'm glad they are doing good!! I can't wait to see them!!!!! Love, Marion
Baby Beethovn...You guys are the coolest. Can you imagine the bond that these two girls will have with each other as they get older?
We love you guys, Uncle Keith
Hi Guys - I'm so glad the girls have moved to the cribs together. Its amazing how much twins love being next to each other. Glad everyone is doing well. Janie
Hey guys,
I'm so glad that their in the crib together, enjoying the sounds of Beethoven. How wonderful! We are very happy about the prognosis after their successful eye surgery. Thanks for the awesome picture and the good news. We will keep them in our prayers! Love J,L,C,C,&C
Oh my, could they be any cuter?! I've never seen a more darling set of double chins in my life. You four are an inspiration to us all. Much love, Jessie, Dave and Aidan
Beautiful, just simply beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing you and John holding these little miracles. God bless you. Connie Wilhoite
Billie and John,
What a blessing for you to see them back together again. They just look too peaceful snuggled up together. Thanks for posting it, Kris
I love those adorable chubby cheeks! The best picture yet has to be the two of them in their crib together again. I can't wait till their in their crib at home with their mom & dad!!!! Love, Liz
Snuggled like two little peas in a pod! They must be in heaven being so close to one another! I'm sure they have lots to 'talk' about now that they are together! Just think, their homecoming is just around the corner with all the progress they are making, save up some energy while you can and remember we love you all! Love, Momma Jules
This from a old friend that grew up with Billie and her family. I hope all is well. I just started viewing this sight and what a joy to see these babies. Coming from the perspective of being a twin myself I can tell you that a twin bond is so incredible and special that it is too unique to describe. Eden and Holland need one another so much and they will continue especially as adults. Keeping them close is so important to them. Remember Billie when my mom used to dress Traci and I alike all of the time? It was fun. Take care. Love, Terri Sculthorpe, (Now Terri Fair).
Hi guys!
My computer was out of comission for a few (ugg, dell!), and i wasn't able to do my daily check in (though my mom kept me posted). i am SOOOOO impressed with those two! they are not only adorable little chubsters, but also the toughest ladies i have ever known. i love you all so much and can't wait to see you in november.
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