Eden is back on CPAP and doing well. It's a good thing they got that breathing tube out today before she pulled it out herself! She's been pretty feisty recently and is getting good with her hands. On Monday she pulled her feeding tube out 5 times! She's also been liking to suck and bite on things in her mouth and was really chewing on her tube and pacifier. She was wide awake and gave us several big smiles last night. We stood around her isolette watching and laughing at her for a good while. What a cutie!
We had a little infection scare with Holland on Sunday night. She had a positive blood culture, but since then repeat cultures have been negative. She has caught up to Eden with full feeds on breastmilk, and has gained some noticeable ounces over the past 2 or 3 days. Thank goodness! She needed a little meat on those bones. Holland taught Mommy a good lesson today on diaper changing. Lesson: One must wait to change the diaper until the baby is finished going...three diapers later and all new bedding and we were back on track!
Thanks again for all of your wonderful comments. Daddy (aka John) and I really enjoy reading them! Love to you all...
Billie (aka Mommy)
I have been checking each day to see the progress and when information isn't there, I just continue to pray. It does my heart good to read how wonderfully God is blessing all four of you -- what wonderful words - the four of you. Know that you're in our hearts and in our prayers. We love you. Connie Wilhoite
Hi Guys
I'm sitting here all teared up myself reading your posting today. I'm thrilled that things are going so well and that you finally got to hold both your babies!! Twins are such a blessing and I'm so glad you both get to now see first hand how special it is. Love you guys and can't wait to get together with you next week Billie for lunch!!
Dear Billie and John:
I was so happy to read the wonderful posting tonight! Oh, Billie, how wonderful for you to hold your babies together!I'm so happy to hear that Holland is doing better as well. :) Enjoy these days of holding tiny babies...all too soon they grow up to be wild little monkeys, like my girls! :)
I love you.
Hello my dears,
(all 4 of you)
We were so happy to read the latest news. What a special moment that must have been to finally get to all be together! We have been thinking of you guys every day, and thank you for the web site...so that we can keep up with the news without having to bug you in person. Keith says 'do you realize you will have to maintain this web site for the next 35 years because we are all so happy to be informed and connected. As far as the diaper thing goes...you should try it with a boy sometime.(hint...remember to keep your mouth closed)
We love you guys. katy, keith, abby and the above mentioned...drew.
I missed the new pictures when I posted a comment earlier...oh my goodness! You can realy see how the girls are growing...thank You, Jesus! I'm so happy to see our prayers being answered.
I love you...and they are beautiful.
What a great report on Eden and Holland, two little bundles of joy. Wow! how a couple ounces can make a world of difference.
We rejoice with you as each new day the girls have progress....what a blessing that you were able to hold both of them, I bet they were happy to be all snuggled up to their Mommy.
Must say I can't wait to meet both of them soon...lots of prayer...Stacey
Hurray!! What good news. The thought of you holding your two precious girls is so sweet. Lots of love and kisses- donna
What a beautiful picture of you holding the girls!
I'm so excited that they are doing well.
I love you so much.
Kiss the babies for me.
Love and prayers,
Hey family,
What wonderful news! Can't wait to see your beautiful girls again. Glad they got to snuggle together.
Sending lots of hugs & kisses to you guys!
Love, J, L, C, C, & C
Hi guys! Billie the circle is complete with you getting to finally gather your babies together! There is no other feeling as good as to hold them close and feel the love! Enjoy! I think of you all every day. Love, Mamma Jules
Thanks for the wonderful update and picture. Holland and Eden are making great progress. Can't wait to see them again!
Mary K
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