I love that song. It came on the radio while I was driving this evening and was a gentle reminder that it's time to get my butt in gear to start my shopping!
I have a couple of really inspired gift ideas for all of you.

My next awesome gift idea is a super-duper everybody-wins buy. My friend Greta has designed a truly incredible 2009 Calendar titled Heroes of Hope, which features babies and children who spent time at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where Holland and Eden spent the first 110 days of their lives. The girls make an appearance in the calendar, which will be debuting on Thursday evening at the Fashion Show, and 100% of the proceeds from the calendar will go to the NICU Family Advisory Board to provide support to NICU families. Greta is mom to triplets, and somehow still manages to be an amazing photographer, as well as super stylish and sassy. I am so impressed with the quality of her work. Anyone who would like to make a contribution to the NICU Family Advisory should purchase one of these calendars. They are truly fabulous!
How would we be able to purchase a calendar if we live out of state!? let me know! thanks! jenn!
Click the link at the top of the sidebar. You will be able to enter your shipping address as part of the checkout process through paypal.
I got to see the final product last night at the fashion show. They are really, really cool. I think everybody should buy one!
Thanks for your support!
I've wanted to order from Lisa ever since I saw your open circle necklace for Mother's Day 2007! I just ordered 2 of her gorgeous Christmas ornaments and put a couple of necklaces on my wish list!
I have read your blog for a while, found you via chasing babies. You are a wonderful mom. I also have the tiny initials. I love wearing it and it helps to keep me centered during the day, when my kiddos are at school and I am at work.
I know you won't believe this, but 10 years from now you will look back and be amazed at how far you have come and how different you life is. Our second daughter was born with a rare birth defect, one in a trillion. No other children were alive that had what she had, and the last recorded child was 75 yrs ago. We were given a terrible prognosis and faced the "if she lives she will have --- --- ---". We chose to fight the odds and seek out doctors who held our belief that she could live a "normal" life. Today she is an irritating, aggrivating and totally "normal" 14 yr old, who has endured more than most people will in their life. Other than some funky scars, thin hair and little tolerance for the sun, she is fine. Everything we were told would happen did not, or she fought through.
Keep your head up and be proud of all that you and your girls have accomplished and will continue to accomplish. Congrats on the anniversary, the girls look beautiful in their princess constumes.
Cindy, mom to L, E A, A
Hi! I found your blog from June's. First, I wanted to comment that your story is amazing, and I'm looking forward to reading more.
But second, and funny, I was singing that song the other day, too. I was actually singing it aloud, trying to hit the notes Julie Andrews style. It feels good to sing that song!
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