Eden has gotten really good lately about reaching up to put the magnet coil of her cochlear implant back on to fix her hearing. She also tells us now if/when it's not working by saying "it's not working," "I need new batteries," or "I can't hear." I love when she wakes up in the morning and I hear her over the monitor calling "Mommy! I need my hearing!"
The other day Eden was playing with a little baby doll who had on a headband. She loves to pretend that this doll is "baby Eden." As she was playing, the doll's headband fell off, and I overheard Eden say, "Waaaaa, waaaaa, I need my hearing!"
I love it!

That is so sweet! How great that she recognizes her needs. WTG Eden! BTW, the girls look adorable as always!
I loved this!
Que lindo post!!!
Muy bien Eden, eres una chica muy inteligente y tierna... :D y Holland también!!
Un abrazo...
My 4 year old (2 days ago!) boy is much the same with his blue HAs. Makes all those months of putting them on dozens of times a day (and the searches for chucked aids, oh the searches, let's not go there!) worthwhile.
He's got pretty good lately at telling us when they're not working and also at flipping the aid back over his ears - only wish he wasn't quite as good at turning them off and on! ;)
She's so smart!!!
These kids are pretty amazing. Evan loves his hippotherapy and on Fridays he gets so excited and signs horse all day until the appt, so one day we decided not to go and we are in the van and he signs horse to me, I felt so bad and I told him the horsies were sick and he was fine. Just shows you they don't miss a thing. Sometimes I long to hear his voice and wonder what things he would have to say to me.
Aww...kids are always coming up with the cutest things to say, aren't they?
Those girls are beautiful dolls. Hug them for me, please.
That is so great that she is so good at telling you when she has a problem, hopefully this translates into other areas in the future, she is so smart I imagine it will =). Her playing with the "baby Eden" doll is so sweet =3!
"hopefully this translates into other areas in the future"
Oh, it already is!
She was wearing her Spio (a snug vest to help give her trunk some support) during PT a few weeks ago. After PT was over she was playing on the floor in the living room. She called me over, and said "I need my Spio off. It's hot in my shirt!" LOL.
I love that she is able to tell me what she needs. It makes it so much easier to figure out how to help.
I'm also SO glad that I waited an extra year to start preschool, because now she can also tell her teachers what she needs, and can tell me about what happens at school!
They are awsome Billie, you and John have done an great job, and they are beautiful.
You know for some reason, I never picked up that it was a cochlear implant that she has. They are amazing. My father in law turns 70 this week. He has never had more than 10% hearing with an hearing aid. In August he had cochlear surgery and he can hear 75% in that ear for the first time in his life... amazing!
I just came across your site, and cannot pry myself away from reading your story! My identical twin boys are almost 6 months old...they were only 6 weeks early, but Jack has had open heart surgery, urological surgery, and has severe hearing loss in 1 ear. We plan on strating early intervention this week, and your milestones will be such a resource...Your girls are adorable!
OH MY GOD!!!! This is SOO great!!! And the best thing is you know how important it is that she's now able to tell you what she needs!!! Fantastic!!!
BTW, I started a new blog... in inglish. So all you guys can read it. It just started, but i'm working on it. http://mamaterapeuta.wordpress.com
Where were you guys at in the picture? I would love to take my son to a petting zoo that has more than 3 animals. We live up in the Flint area so Ann Arbor isn't all that far away.
I love your girls. They are so adorable.
We were at the Plymouth Orchard. It's pretty small, but lots of fun and they have the BEST donuts and cider EVER.
If it's animals you seek, I would highly recommend Domino's Farm in Ann Arbor!
OMG that is awesome that she tells you about her hearing! I can just imagine hearing that over the monitor!!!!!
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