Yes, it's true. Holland is officially potty-trained! If you remember, she was a little slow coming out of the gate, but she just completed day five with no pull-ups and no accidents. Thank goodness, cause the whole potty training thing is really starting to get on my nerves.

Check out both of your girls reaching so important milestones recently! They are beautiful as ever!
That is huge! Congrats to you all!!
Yea Holland! The small pleasures of life... Yet mastering the potty training is REALLY major! Congrats!
Oh yeah. There are few things like saying goodbye to diapers! Good job mom.
You guys are having quite the summer! Eden sitting and Holland getting potty trained all in one week! Wow! Amazing achievements all around!
Wow, Holland! Way to go!
Hurray Holland!!!
Good job!
yeah Holland!
Congratulations you just got a raise!
Felicidades Holland!!!... estos logros son para celebrarse, y bendiciones a papa y mama por enseƱarte... ! :)
way to go! potty training was the bane of my existence too ;)
Hooray for Holland using the potty. Hooray for Eden sitting up all on her own. They have come a long way! Celebrate.
That is Wonderful!!! Go Holland!
YEAH Holland! You go girl! (or don't).
I can't wait until our turn comes, I am sure it is a long time coming though. However, time seems to be flying by these days.
Wow, Holland! The internet is proud of you, WTG!
Congrats, Holland! You did it~ we are so proud of you. Now you've got "potty power"! :-) Madison had so much fun playing with Holland & Eden at the park. Wish I could have been there. Take care, Monica
Wahooo Holland! What good news and for Eden pulling herself up! Conrats Billie!
Congrats! My twin boys have been potty trained for a while, but only during the day. Nightime is altogether another issue!
Hi Billie,
Your girls are so beautiful I have read your blog over and over getting answers to so many questions. My husband and I have a preemie (8 months tuesday, 5 months corrected 3 of aug.)he is our miracle, his brother passed away 6 hours after being born in my arms, I had p.r.o.m at 23 weeks and delivered at 25 and 3. Jonathan has been diagniosed with auditory neauropothy(sp?) and we are getting a second opinion at U of M next wednesday, but if he does require a cochlear implant I would really appreciate some advise, I live in the south lyon area and you can reach me at vollbach@yahoo.com. Thanks so much for your blog it is really an inspiration watching your girls grow into beautiful people!
Hi! Yay! Congrats to both Holland and Eden for their recent accomplishments!
Came across your blog through 5 Minutes for Special Needs. My daughters Faith and Emma were born at 27 weeks weighing 1lb 11oz in Sept of 2006. Unbelievably, we have not had an major developmental problems. Emma has had to go through physical therapy to help her with crawling, walking, etc. So I can't even begin to imagine what you guys have gone through, but can somewhat relate.
Just wanted to say "Hi" and can't wait to read more!
What a big month it has been for you guys! Way to go Holland and Eden!
Way to go Holland! Your girls are on fire!
I am really jealous. I would love to ditch the nappies forever.
Thanks for your comment over at the blog. Hope you are going well and your feet haven't been run over nearly as much as mine ;-)
Yeah Holland!!! I am so looking forward to the day I no longer have to buy diapers.
Your girls are beautiful. Great website!!!!!!!!
Hi guys. You don't know me (triplet mom g/g/b - 26 weekers) but I've linked up to your blog thru a couple of others and first, I'd like to say that your girls are beautiful and I'm so happy to hear of their great accomplishments! Second, I am back to work part-time with GM and thru the People With Disabilities Affinity group I belong to, we have some tickets available for an upcoming Tigers game. So, I'd like to know if you're interested in attending, if so, please contact me.
Happy Birthday Holland and Eden!
Happy Birthday Holland and Eden!
Happy Birthday to you...cha cha cha! Cannot WAIT to see the princess pictures!!
Mamma Jules :)
Happy Birthday, beautiful girls! I apologize for being a day late! I hope you had a fantastic birthday and I can't wait to read all about it!
I love reading your blog. It really is an inspiration to us. Way to go holland and eden! We have twins born at 26w on christmas this past year. Our son marc had a hige grade 4 beain hemmorage at 3 days. I was wondering what things you did with your twins when they were 4m adjusted so I can get the ball rolling now. Were there any symptoms early on that I can be on the look out for?
god bless
jackson, nj
OK so I have been following your site now for a few months now, I think since last September. I have micro-preemie twin girls also, born two days apart at 23 weeks. I absolutely love your ability to share with the world, your deepest feelings and excitement for life with your girls.
I however am not quite ready to go "live" yet. Would you mind sending me your email address so I can ask a few questions. We recently found out one of our daughters has profound hearing loss and needs to get cochlear implants. I could really use your insight.
Yay Holland! Can you send some of your potty success to Texas??!
And now, what about the Birthday Party? Happy belated 4th birthday, girls! Can't wait to see/read about your celebration.
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