I probably shouldn't mention that Holland hit 20 pounds over a year ago. That would just be depressing... But it might be encouraging to mention that Eden dropped to 17 pounds 11 ounces in April when she was sick. That means she has gained over 2 1/2 pounds in 3 months. It has taken Holland a full year to gain 2 1/2 pounds.
Keep up the good eating Edie!!! Please? Pretty please?? For the love of all things Holy...PLEEEEASE???

I think it was all that fine Pennsylvania air...not to mention yummy ranch dressing at Sesame Place. Good work, Eden, and keep going strong...
Congrats, I know exactly what you mean. My son James was born at 25 weeks weighing 1lb 6oz. He just turned 2 7/7 and tip the scale @ 20lbs 1.5 oz. He also took sick in March, April and May loosing 2 lbs. So we had to play catch up. I recently went back in my blog posts and back in Jamuary he was 18.4lbs. Very slow weight gainer but he is alive!!!! Right it is the doctors and such that make you go nuts. Tracy come visit us on our blog page.
Aren't they just gorgeous?! Well done on the weight gain, Eden!
I've been peeking in on your blog every now and then: you're girls are sooooo sweet! I can completely relate to the weight gain excitement: my daughter (twin, born at 28 weeks) had been stuck at 22 pounds what what seemed like a year and a half, and she has finally crossed the 25 pound mark, but she's still pretty tiny: she'll be 3 on Sunday. I have almost the exact same picture of her, when she hit 10lbs :)
Best wishes,
Eden must of really enjoyed herself while vacation! Glad to see all went well:)
Yeah Eden!!!!!!!
What GREAT news!!!
That is a great weight gain, especially when you consider that she was sick in April. Is there something particular that she really likes to eat now?
Moseyed over from Hallie's Moms' blog. Holland and Eden are just.so.precious!!!
I have been reading about H and E and they are an inspiration, so are you. I have micropreemie twin girls like yours. Lena and Kassie are 9 months old, 5.5 corrected. They were born at 24weeks 6 days and both suffered from grade 3/4 IVH. We have recently been diagnosed with CP. I am trying to be opptimistic but some days its hard. I hope we can keep in touch. It would be nice to talk to someone who has been there, done that. You can find our blog at www.bitsandpiecesofme.com
That's AWESOME! WTG Eden, and keep on doing it.
Weight is a struggle at our house too, with one of my duo. It's frustrating, I know.
that is realy cool
Way to go Eden!! Must have been all the excitement from your great trip that inspired her appetite. Maybe I should take Olivia there so she can get past the 20lbs mark.
Keep up the good work.
Way to go Eden! That is GREAT news....keep up the good work!
Yay, Yay, Yay!
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