Wednesday, May 09, 2007



mamashine said...

This is the best thing ever. Is there somebody like this near you so the girls can go? I could see you starting one up if there isn't. :)

emily said...

This brought tears to my eyes. Miss Joanne is a wonderful, wonderful person.

Jacqui said...

Thanks Billie, I needed to have a good bawl.

Yesterday, Moo's swimming teacher told me about how he had recently been to a seminar about neurodevelopment in children. He was told that swimming, dancing and gymnastics are the best sports for neurodevelopement for kids, whether they be neurotypical or otherwise. The later two are kind of out for us, so it looks like swimming it is.

I can just see your two as the prettiest ballerinas.

Shannon said...

Wow Billie, brought tears to my eyes. This is absolutely awesome!!!! I agree, your girls would make the prettiest ballerinas!

Anonymous said...

Billie, this story brought tears to my eyes. I can just see your girls in little tutus one day. My sister used to have a girl at her dance studio with cerebal palsy. When the girl first started dancing she could barely stand up for the two minute song, but five years later you could not even tell her apart from the others. It was awesome to go to the recital every year and see how much progress she had made from the previous year.

Lisa said...

Stole my thunder. I was going to post this on my blog today!

SusanR said...

That is so great! And I got a good cry. Miss Joanne is an absolute angel from heaven.

Kendra Lynn said...

That is so sweet. Absolutely brilliant on that therapist's part.
More people should be focusing on these kids with special needs.


Jennifer said...

wow...i am in tears!

Billie you should make a video of Holland and Eden! that would be so cool!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, heart-warming story. What little girl hasn't dreamed of wearing a pink tutu and being a ballerina? To see it happening like this is so incredibly special and I hope one day the ballerinas we're watching are your girls.