Ok...Sorry,sorry, sorry. Things have been so hectic around here that I haven't had time to post. Let's see, where did we leave off? Oh yeah, just starting to get sick in California. Well, turns out we did end up visiting the ER at Children's Hospital in Oakland. Holland's cold turned into the usual asthma breathing difficulties. They thought they were going to have to keep her overnight, but she eventually got her sats up to 95-97 and they let us go home.
I have to mention that during this illness Holly was the crabbiest I have ever seen her. She was really whiny and clingy and only wanted her mama. Unfortunate that we were away from home and Holland was so crabby with everyone, but fortunate that there were 5 other adults around to help. Also fortunate to have two very sweet cousins to help keep the girls entertained!

John and I were hoping and planning to be able to spend at least one night at a hotel in San Francisco, but the day we were planning to go Holland woke up with the worst bloody nose ever. It was seriously like a scene from a horror flick. Blood everywhere, all over me, all over her. She was crying through it all and pushing me away, so blood kept spraying out her nose. I think I held up pretty well through the breathing thing, but the blood just put me over the edge and I did have a mini breakdown. The same day John had food poisoning from eating sushi and was pretty much immobile for most of the day. Luckily he was well enough that evening that we got to go to dinner and see two bands play in San Fran. It wasn't the amazingly relaxing weekend in the city that we had imagined, but we had fun anyway.
Eventually we all got over it, and for the last three days of our trip Holland was delightful. Eden is always so good and sweet, even when she is sick, that she ends up getting less attention. I was glad there were others around so she wasn't completely neglected. Thank you Eden for always being such a sweetheart!

I was so glad that Holland got better in time for us to meet Liz, Brian, and Kaitlyn. It was really nice to talk to another family going through the micropreemie journey. It's a great source of support to meet people who have some understanding of what you are going through, even if they are dealing with different issues. Plus they introduced us to this really great Burmese restaurant in San Francisco. My aunt and uncle will certainly go back. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the memory:)

So we made it home healthy and happy, but it was shortlived. Friday night Holland started with the runny nose AGAIN. It's gotten worse, although the wheezing isn't as bad as last time. Today I took her to the pediatrician and she has an ear infection, and possibly pink eye. Now she's on pulmicort twice a day, albuterol treatments three times a day, an antibiotic, and eye drops, in addition to her usual Zyrtec and Poly-Vi-Sol. And she's really crabby of course. Sigh.
Hi Guys!
Billie, I was hoping that Miss Holly would be getting better by now...I hope she's on the upward swing with the meds!
It was so nice to see you on Saturday and get to interact with Eden, and I never would have believed she was so determined!! (Hmmm, wonder who she gets that from!! lol) She IS a sweet little thing!
I hope Holland is all healthy and happy for her 2nd birthday party!!
Sending get better vibes!!!
Love, Jules
Oh My goodness! I am sorry to hear about their illnesses! You deserve a weekend getaway... maybe when they are 18? My thoughts are with you!
Well it may not have been the "perfect" trip, but it sounds like you had lots of fun between the other difficulties. That is so cool that you guys got to meet up with Liz, Brian, and Kaitlyn. Hope Holland is feeling all better soon so her and Eden can enjoy the rest of your summer off with you!! Luv Liz
Sorry to hear of everyone's illness in California, but glad that despite it all you seemed to have made some memories. Hope Holland is feeling better soon, love always, Kris
Welcome back! You were missed! I am glad to hear that you all are home safely and enjoyed your vacation.I hope Holland gets better and back to her old self! As always, cute pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Hey there.
Glad you made it back safely.
Sorry Holly's been sick. :(
Hope she is feeling better soon.
I bet it was wonderful to get away on a little vacation!
Scott and I LIVE for our little getaways. :)
Love ya.
You poor poor dear. Its hard when they are sick. You do, of course, feel sorry for them but oh my word, the miserable moods can kill you. I had the same with Adam. So hard not to want to scream at them.
Missed you!!
Sorry to hear that Holland is sick again. How can you guys possibly mannage without the massive amount of advice that you got while visiting out here. Oh well, I guess you'll have to manage until Wednesday. She must need "mo mo drew" again by now. Even at her worst Holland is such a sweat heart and I hope we can still see her, and her sweat sister while we're there. See you in a few days,
Uncle Keith
Wow, sounds like you need a vacation from vacation! I'm glad everything worked out and Holland didn't have to stay overnight in the hospital. Hope she's feeling better soon.
i have been thinking healthy thoughts of hollie all week! i hope she is all better. i can't wait to see you guys next week. love yas!
Holland and Eden are getting so BIG! I still cannot believe you guys had the courage to go on vacation, props to you! Sorry to hear about Holland's ER visit, I am sure that was uncomfortable since you werent at your home hospital with the doctors you trust. Glad she is feelingbetter and that Eden's nose is better (right?) Welcome home!
You guys had such a busy vacation! Sounds like it was fun, not including the illnesses. You two are so brave to tackle such an adventure with twins--our first mini-vaca was so awful that I don't think we'll try again until the babies are grown up and out of the house! Glad you are home safe and sound!
Hi Billie!
I just wanted to say that you have the most beautiful babies EVER, even when they're sick. It was great to get to know them and also to spend so much time with you. I love you forever and ever!!!
Abby :-)
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