I'm working on a post about Eden's new orthotics, progress in PT, and various adaptive equipment, but it isn't done yet. So for now, enjoy our Memorial Day weekend in pictures...

Grandma and Grandpa had a BBQ at their house on Saturday. The girls discovered several new things to love...playing with boys, hot wheels, and eating watermelon.

G'ma and G'pa bought these dresses in Mexico on their cruise. Holland posed nicely, while Eden chose to flash the camera!

Nana and Papa had a BBQ at their house on Monday. The girls played outside ALL DAY and LOVED it! Holland really liked playing with the big girls mixing up some mud soup. She also loved the duck pool and cried when she had to get out, even though her little feet were wrinkled like prunes. Eden was content all day to watch the action and take everything in. She did join in when she could.

And these pictures were just SO cute I had to post them...


Finally, if you still haven't signed the guestbook, you can scroll down to the post, or click the link in the side panel:) Pretty please with a cherry on top???
The girls are getting so big and they are beautiful as ever!
Gosh they ARE getting big! The duck pool looks like fun - I don't blame Holland for not wanting to get out! My favorite picture though is the cannon ball. I just want to eat her up!
aahhh! cannonball!! that picture represents PURE joy. i love it!
the other pics are great too. they look like they are having a blast. i love mud soup too.
Fantastic pics! Love it!
I adore the picture of the girls in the ducky pool--it is so sweet! I love those twin moments :)
Glad the girls had a great time mixing mud soup and playing with the boys!
Boy don't I wish...but that pic is of Holland and her cousin Claire in the ducky pool.
Eden's CP doesn't allow her to sit up, so she couldn't really do the pool:(
These are some of the best pics yet!!!!
Such beautiful girls. You must be a proud mama.
i have been waiting for you to post .... I was trying to be patient about it!! I love the new pictures, like always. Your girls always have a smile! I cant wait to hear about Eden's updates. When you get a chance, let me know how much she eats in a day... if i remember correctly she took about 15 oz of milk..im just trying to get Hallie off her tube and wanted to make sure she is getting enough... when you have time!
Hi Guys!
Oh my gosh, I bet they had a blast! Thanks for sharing the pictures....love the cannonball! Go Edie!
The pic of Holland and Claire is precious beyond words! Love at it's best!!
Love and big smooches!
Mamma Jules
Absolutely adorable. :)
The girls are getting so big, and so beautiful!
I followed your link from another caring bridge website, and I have really enjoyed reading the trials and joys you have experienced with your 2 adorable daughters!! You guys certainly make such cute kids!! I admire you. Even though Eden has some things to overcome, she has come so far, and you guys are such excellent, patient parents!! She seems so bright and so happy, and your pictures are such a joy to see!! Hats off to you guys and those adorable babies!! I will certainly keep following their progress!!
I am a social worker from Sydney Australia and found your link from another website. I wish you and your beautiful girls all the very best for the future, they are both unique and beautiful!!!!
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