
I am thankful for my children. Before Holland and Eden were born we were told that 24-week preemies have about a 50% chance of survival. Sometimes I forget how very lucky we are to have BOTH of our babies. I never want to take their lives for granted. They are the most beautiful little girls I have ever met. Their spirit and personalities brighten every day. They have such character and are full of love and laughter. Everything they do just amazes me.
I am thankful for my husband. In July we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary, and in October, our 12th anniversary as a couple. John is my very best friend and is always there for me when times get tough. He puts up with my moodiness, crying, and bitching, and loves me anyway. He is a strong, solid presence in my life through every up and down and I would be lost without him. In addition to that, he's really cute, really smart, and really talented. He's also an amazing father, and the love that he has for our girls makes me love him even more than I thought possible.
I am thankful for my mother. When I was in the hospital she was there for me every day and every night. She visited the girls in the NICU almost every day. Over the past 16 months she has continued to help me out anytime I need her. She watches my kids when I work and she finds a way to come to any doctors appointments when I need her. Sometimes she even cooks for me and cleans my house! My mother's love for me is unconditional and I only hope that I will be as good a mom to my own children. Thank you mom, for everything you do for me every day. I love you.
I am also thankful for my father, sisters, and brother, as well as my in-laws, and my amazingly cute and smart nieces and nephews. They are all so thoughtful and kind, and would do anything for us. I am beyond lucky to have such a wonderful family.
I am thankful for my friends. Most people are lucky to have one or two good friends in a lifetime. I am lucky to have many more. I still keep in contact with friends from elementary school through high school, college, graduate school, and work. I am surrounded by strong, smart women who listen to me, support me, and love me. They have continuously offered help in many, many ways. I am most grateful that I always have a shoulder to cry on. An occasional girls night out to lift my spirits and drown my sorrows doesn't hurt either:) I have the best girl friends!
There are other things in life that I am thankful for, such as the fact that we have good jobs and are able to have a nice house, and clothes, and money to live comfortably. I am also thankful for my health, and the health of my family. But most of all it's the people in my life that I am thankful for. Life is full of uncertainty, ups and down, and occasional boulders in the road. When you have people in your life to love, and who love you, I think you can handle life...whatever it may throw at you.
Dear Billie and family,
Thank you very much for your very touching letter in Thanksgiving ! Now I really know the meaning of Thanksgiving Day ! We thank you for a very nice and wonderful post with full of love, careness and kindness !
With best regards to your family !
Van family.
I'm reminded by a few treasured souls in my life that when I feel like I can't take another step and my life seems terrible to remember that it could always be worse...if I take the time to reflect on those words they do ring true. You are very blessed in many way Billie and although your days are long, and many filled with obstacles always remember...it could be worse. Love and many big hugs and smooches to you all! Mamma Jules
P.S. Girls..you are da bomb!
Tears flowing...that was beautiful.
You are truly blessed and I think it's great you took the time to think how lucky you are. For every person you were thankful for you need to remeber that all those people think of you when they count their blessings. You, John, and your girls have touched us all so much and we truly love you all. Liz
iam thakl for my new baby doll and my mom for leting me get it
Billie you said I would love the post and you are right. Thanks for taking the time to do it. When I count my Blessings you are all right there at the top. With all my children and my grandchildren. We all really need to slow down, sit down and count our blessings. It has been an incredible journey but it isn't over each day the blessings keep comming. Every time I see Eden pick up a cheerio and put it in her mouth or Hollie set up it brings tears to my eyes. Just looking at them does. Thanks again. Love ya all mom
Happy Thanksgiving! What a sweet post! Billie, you should write a book someday about your experiences (in your free time, right?); you are so good with words.
Love, Amy C.
You are a beautiful person. Thank-you so much for inspiring so many mothers to put our best self forward for our husbands, children, and each other.
I am very thankful for having such an awesome woman for a sister-in-law.
Love you,
Happy Thanksgiving!
The girls are getting so big and look at how happy they are!
You are a great mom, wife, daughter and all and it shows in the girls beatiful smiles.
Wow. Anyone that reads that and doesn't find things to be thankful in their own lives has a serious problem. That was inspirational!
Okay, I'm sobbing (being 8 months pregnant doesn't help). Your words really reached home for me this morning. So true and many are the blessings that we all have to count in our lives once we take the time to count them. Much love to you, John and the girls. Jess
i just wanted to say how much i LOVED seeing the girls this weekend (oh, and you guys too, i guess...just kidding!). they are so beautiful and smart, not to mention HILARIOUS. what is really striking though is how truly happy they are. for those of you out there who know the girls from the site only, they really are as joyful as they appear to be in the pictures. just being around them makes me feel lighter and happier. they are really a special gift. love you guys and can't wait to see you again at christmas. maybe i'll buy them something non-matching and anti-establishment to make john happy :)
love, lisa
Let me wipe the tears away. (Tim is looking at me from across the table, like here she goes again...i've been reading a lot of baby sites). Expecting a baby myself, I have been amazed at how it brings loved ones together. This is what I've been thankful for, and you did a wonderful job articulating that. Even those whom you haven't spoken to in awhile reappear out of the woodwork to offer their kind words. It's fantastic to feel so loved and to love in such a way! We enjoyed spending time with you, John, and the girls. You and John are such wonderful and loving parents, and your girls reflect that in their actions and personalities. They are truly a joy to be around, and you two are most inspiring in your relationships toward your daughters and toward eachother! I can't wait for our next get together, it was fun! Hugs and kisses, Donna
I've learned through the years that a person can live through many hardships if they keep a grateful attitude. Thanksgiving is a good time to sit down and "ponder" the blessings we have. I've enjoyed having the chance to "see things through your eyes" by reading your blog and I think it's a great way to learn as well. You've done a good job of educating us about the twins' conditions.
I keep you and yours in my prayers. Surely, "miracles do happen"
What Beauties!!!!! That is a very touching, heartfelt and full of love posting. Billie you have touched MANY lives in your writing. It sure has made me sit back and give thanks for many things in my own life. You and John have given your girls the nurturing and bonding to become such happy, loving and joyful children. You are all blessed with each other. My love to all Candy
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