We've really made a lot of progress since the last post. It looks like Eden is coming home on Saturday!!!! Holland won't be far behind. Likely sometime toward the end of next week. Both girls have their feeding tubes out, and are taking all of their food from breast and bottle. Holland got rid of the oxygen cannula on Sunday and has been breathing room air for the past few days. She is a wireless baby...it's the wave of the future!

Eden is going to be coming home on oxygen and with a monitor. So, Holland may be the breather in the family, but Eden is the eater. She can suck down 50 cc's from a bottle in 10 minutes flat. Today she took 50 cc's while breastfeeding in 20 minutes. She is very efficient. Also very good at conserving calories by sleeping a lot.
John and I are so excited about getting our babies home. But also very nervous... They are going to be very susceptible to colds and other sickness so we need to be very diligent about keeping them as protected as possible. As much as we love company (and all of our family and friends), we probably won't be able to see much of anybody. We will be pretty much homebound for much of the winter. We look forward to more visitors in the spring! Of course, we will be keeping you up-to-date via the website :)
Billie and John,
How exciting that Eden will be coming home with you. Holland will be right behind her. That is just super! I know everyone wants the best for the babies and we will see them when the time is right!
Love, Kris
Dear Billie and John:
What wonderful news!! I'm so glad the girls are coming home...I am utterly amazed at what God has done in their tiny lives...they are beautiful.
I really wish I could see them, but I, especially, will wait until spring. (due to the fact that my girls can't seem to get rid of the colds they picked up a month ago!!!) I love you much, and we will continue praying for you and your sweet babies.
Hi Uncle John and Aunt Billie! I'm really excited about Holland and Eden. I check the website almost everyday. I can't wait to actually see them. I wasn't allowed to see them in the ICU right after you had them. I can wait till spring though. "Better safe than sorry" right!
Well I gotta go but I'll talk or post a comment later!
Love you, Bye.
Hi Uncle John and Aunt Billie! I'm really excited about Holland and Eden. I check the website almost everyday. I can't wait to actually see them. I wasn't allowed to see them in the ICU right after you had them. I can wait till spring though. "Better safe than sorry" right!
Well I gotta go but I'll talk or post a comment later!
Love you, Bye.
HI! What wonderful news! Just think, you will finally have them all to yourselves at home! I'm sure all of us understand about keeping them safe from germs and keeping them healthy has to be a priority. I will promise not to come and peek in the windows if you promise to keep the pictures coming so I can see how fat and sassy they are! Take care, and know that you all are in my heart daily. If I have any advice...NAPS, NAPS, NAPS! Love you all...Mamma Jules
Dear Billie & John what beautiful little girls you have. I can only imagine the excitement and joy you must both be sharing by bringing your little ones home at last. Keep them safe, love them lots and see you in the Spring!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Love Always, Candy
Yippeee! what wonderful news! i am so happy to hear that the girls are coming home. i understand that you are feeling a little nervous, but i am sure your excitement and desire to have them home will override the nervousness. i am a bit sad that i will have to wait to spring, but my happiness for the homecoming overrides my selfish desire to get my hands on those two :-) love you all.
Use a camcorder to record moments with the girls and let people borrow the recording to see all of you. I don't blame you one bit about keeping Holland and Eden protected. I was careful with my sons when they were young and have never regretted it. I know I'll see pictures from your mom and sister. I've appreciated you keeping information on the site about the progress of the girls. May God bless all of you. Connie Wilhoite
Billie and John,
Congratulations! You must be so excited! I am so happy for you that the girls are doing so well. I would not have expected them to come home so soon (although I'm sure it's seemed like forever to you!). They must just be flying in their progress! Have fun and I'll be thinking of you and the girls. Hopefully you will have a full house soon!
Julie (Balge) Williams
I've spent my day crying tears of joy for all of you! They have come such a long way and have fought a long battle to finally be able to come home. What a tremendously wonderful time in your lives that you are about to embark upon, my dear friends. Give those darlings smooches from us and tell them that we say "Welcome Home!". Much, much love, Jessie, Dave, Aidan and Nesta
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
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