Saturday, July 31, 2004
Happy Birthday?!
We actually had a good day on Friday with no contractions until around midnight when they began to get really bad. They soon discovered that I was dilated to ten and would be giving birth that night. An ultrasound revealed that Eden was in the breach position and the safest option for the babies was a cesarean section. Things moved quickly from that point and the girls were born at 3:02am weighing just over a pound each. They were taken straight to the NICU for care and were moved into isolettes.
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I am a new grammy of two micro premie girls born 24 weeks and 5 days at Maine Medical Center. I have viewed your web sight and will share it with my daughter, looks like an identical story. Joesephene Laurett and Robin Elizabeth weighed in at 640 grams and 600 grams, today they are 12 days old and doing good, Joe is back to her birth weight while Robin is still at 540 grams but they are taking their breast milk in cc's. I think your story will give us strength and hope. love and prayers Kathy G
I think your story is incredable!! I am 18 and have a condition that could posably lower my life expectancy and have had 2 misscarages about a year ago one very early around 6 weeks and I lost another around 17 weeks.the father of my two angels left me after I got pregnant with the second one. Your story is very touching. I am very concerned to even try to concive again with my past history. But I might be pregnant again all the syptoms are there.atleast I know the baby's dad will stay with me. We have been together since right after I lost my second one. I want to have kids early their for I can see my grand kids but its kind of hard. Premature birth and loss of a child is very common with my condition. I see your babies have grown up well they are beautiful! You have went through so much for your miracle babies but any good parents would have it that way.I know that if it happens to me there are support groups and I am very touched by your story. Very touched. God bless u and you miracle twins
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